Slant Six Forum

Fan Hp
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Author:  olafla [ Sun May 19, 2013 9:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Here are some links to cooling related articles from Car Craft and Hot Rod Magazine:
Drivetrain Power Loss - The Brutal Truth

Keeping Cool

How to Design And Build A High-Performance Cooling System

Cool Is The Rule

An couple of aussie articles:
Chasing Overheating

DIY Adjustable Temp Switches


Author:  FrankRaso [ Sun May 19, 2013 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Fan Hp

The electric fan allows the engine to come up to temp much quicker and run more efficiently.
The thermostat does not open until its rated temperature. Until then, water does not circulate through the rad.
Since SL6's have a very efficient cooling system, not having a fan blowing cold air over the engine first thing in the morning, the engine block and intake manifold can warm up much faster.
The cooling system works well but it depends on heat transfer at the radiator not around the bock. I think the actual heat convective heat transfer from the water jacket's exterior is minimal. This would be more the case for air-cooled engines with a large surface area from the cooling fins.
This helps the intake manifold to atomize the fuel better which helps on cold throttle response and over all power from a cold start.
Fuel is ATOMIZED at the venturi(s) in the carburetor. If the fuel falls out the airstream when it makes the 90° turn in the intake manifold, the hot-spot under the carburetor (manifold heat control system) VAPORIZES any puddled fuel back into the air.
Since there isn't a constant blast of cold air blowing over the engine the stock choke disengages much sooner which helps on fuel economy.
I don't think that the air flow from the fan has a major effect on exhaust manifold temperature, especially on the far side of the carburetor.

Like Olafa mentioned earlier, besides the reduced parasitic load on the engine, the other benefit from an electric fan is increased safety.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sun May 19, 2013 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 


Theory is theory........sometimes you just have to try things and keep trying to see how they work. You will never understand the efficiencies of not having a fan blowing over the SL6 block full time, until you try it. I have been pleasantly surprised especially after going to the (2) 10" fans verses (1) 16" fan.
There are a lot more subtle advantages than just Hp increase.

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