Slant Six Forum

Speed Density vs. Mass Air, opinion as per Chrysler engineer
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Author:  Matt Cramer [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm new to the slant-6, and I definitely want to convert to a MPFI setup. Reed, I like what I'm seeing here in regards to the Ford MAF setup. I still have plenty to read, though!

The '05 Impala I used to have had the PCV plumbed into the plenum just behind the throttle body. It also had a MAP sensor, probably as a check against system vacuum draws from the plenum.
Just wondering - are you the same guy who used to post on with a Mk III Supra, or another fan of the same book?

Author:  wintermute [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Just wondering - are you the same guy who used to post on with a Mk III Supra, or another fan of the same book?
Different Gibson fan there–I've never really been in to the import scene. I'm also on FABO, Garage Journal.

Author:  WagonsRcool [ Mon Dec 23, 2013 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

It also had a MAP sensor, probably as a check against system vacuum draws from the plenum.
For years GM had the MAP sensor primarily as a means to test the EGR system. The pcm would open the EGR valve on hi-speed decel & look for a change in eng vac. It could act as a backup load sensor if the MAF failed. On newer cars it's also used to verify MAF readings (compare speed density tables to MAF tables in the pcm)

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