Slant Six Forum

Dual Electric Fans
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Author:  oldskoolracer [ Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I did a wiring job for a freind of mine on his 85 Mustang and he wanted to add electric fans. I told him to go the route I mentioned above, but hes one of those with more money that knowledge so he opted for the $130+ Derale fan controller from Summit racing because THEY recommended it... Naturally I found myself over there the first time he drove the car because it melted down the fan controller first time it was put to use... (hes running 2 high-amp heavy duty fans pulling upwards of 70amps)

I finally got over there and convinced him to let me wire it MY way, cost him $30 for an H/D relay and a 185* switch and not a single issue since and he LOVES the run-on feature wich his fancy Summit unit doesnt offer...

Just goes to show that just because a company makes it and charges an arm and a leg for it doesnt make the product any good, or useable in any real world situation...

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Dual 10" electric fans


Excellent story! That is an great example of why simple is better. I can't tell you the countless hours I have spent each night stuck in rush hour traffic with the piece of mind using this set up verses some fancy controller. "Ted's Simplified Electric Fan wiring schematic" is posted in the Engine FAQ section.

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