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Author:  scottdart [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

So I thought you may want to know what I finally did to solve my issues. After many opinions like,"buy a new engine", "get a new carb", or "scrap the electronic ign/dizzy" and many more. I found a place that ONLY works on and restores old cars and that was the ticket. They discovered that the problem was it needed a valve adjustment, once that was done the car smoothed out at low idle and all the other problems vanished as well. So my motor, dizzy, carb, and everything else is fine and now it's just time to drive baby. Thanks for all the help guys, always appreciated.

Author:  olafla [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad you worked it out. Next time you need setting the valves, go to the FAQ in the Engine section, and read up on how to adjust the valves yourself! Fun job that gives you a more intimate knowledge of your engine. :D


Author:  Reed [ Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ditto what Olafla said. For future reference, the slant six is such a simple and reliable engine that whenever I hear someone say they have a problem with their slant six my first question is, "When was the last time you adjusted the valves?" The valve adjustment should be done at every oil change (they probably will be fine, but it is a maintenance item). Valve adjustments cure probably 60% of the problems people have with the slant six (that is a rough guess on my part). Lots of new owners aren't familiar with the fact that you must adjust the valves to have a slant run right, so they get stumped when everything appears to be correct on the engine but it has driveability issues.

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