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My lil D-100 |
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Author: | MRJackDaniels [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:50 am ] |
Post subject: | Rims |
I just got a 78 D150 and I'm wondering what kind of rims those are that you put on. |
Author: | Nicademas [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:37 pm ] |
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They are Areo 50 series race wheels. The 50 series are the only ones street legal. I got mine off of for $48 a piece. Their are different back spacings so make sure to know yours before ordering. |
Author: | MRJackDaniels [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Rims |
One more quick question what width did you get. |
Author: | DadTruck [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:42 pm ] |
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Quote: I down shift from 4th to 3rd I get some poping from the exhaust and the gauge reads 20-21 LEAN! This is just for a moment and then it gos to 15-13. Is this normal?
normally piston-valve damage due to lean fuel conditions occur when the 'lean fuel' condition occurs under power.that is due to the richness of the fuel condition causing the surface temps of the valves and piston to cool, in a lean condition, enough fuel to cool the valves-piston tops is not present and valves - pistons suffer high temperature failure. Lean pre-ignition, under power produces combustion pressures beyond what the components were designed for, again, that happens under power. the popping on the down shift may be sound agrevating but is not likely to burn a piston or valve. May be lean, or depending upon engine condition, maybe a valve not sealing - closing properly due to wear. Your o2 number look normal to me, keep in mind that there is always some windage when comparing o2 sensors across vehicles down to the .xx level. An o2 is a great gauge to have, I have one on my carb'd 83 D150, but looking at the spark plugs, over time, is the best indicator of combustion. You have a great truck to work with and have done much, my recommendation for the next move is to go with a electric radiator fan,, much less noise, when the fan is off at idle, and a seat of the pants kick during acceleration. There is wiring - relays involved, but the mid 90's Dodge Caravan fans fit nicely. |
Author: | Joshie225 [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:20 pm ] |
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I'm the new owner of this D100. At light throttle the cruise mixture is around 15:1 give or take .5. Under load it's about 10.3:1. The huge difference between light and heavy load leads me to believe that I'm getting into the secondaries and that the secondary air door on this Edelbrock AVS is too tight or the jets too large. Another possibility is that cruise mixture isn't as lean as indicated due to a collector leak. I'm going to get some mufflers on the truck as it has none, ensure there are no exhaust leaks, disconnect the secondary throttle linkage and get the primary side dialed in. Then I will reconnect the secondaries and get those tuned. The tires are 275/60R15. Wheels are 15x8". I wish the wheels had 4" backspacing as I would like to lower the truck, but I'm severely limited by tire to fender clearance with only 3" backspacing. |
Author: | sandy in BC [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | | now its Yer lil D100..... congrats! |
Author: | Nicademas [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:32 pm ] |
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Quote: now its Yer lil D100.....
The plus side of living in Washington. congrats! Quote:
One more quick question what width did you get.
The with is 8 and the diameter is 15. The original wheel back spacing was 4.5" if I remember right.
Author: | Joshie225 [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:42 pm ] |
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OE Dodge 15x7" wheels have 4.25" backspacing. So a 15x8" wheel with 4" backspacing will clear everything inboard, but not necessarily the fenders. |
Author: | DadTruck [ Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:22 pm ] |
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Quote: new owner
Nice 'pickup' Josh ![]() Nic had some good things going for the D100 I know that you will really make it special. |
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