Slant Six Forum

Generator/Alternator swap. Excessive voltage! What the?
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Author:  abloch [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  SlantSixDan Saves the day!

So the car has been running great and it's getting a lot of use. Still haven't got around to doing the HEI conversion but I did do the heavy gauge dual 50amp fuse ammeter bypass and let me tell you it saved the day! Dan I can't thank you enough for suggesting this while doing my alternator swap.

As far as I can tell the VR128 went tits up while driving around with the heat blasting and the lights on and with no ammeter I had no clue. Got home and when I went to put the car in the garage I had a dead battery. To late to investigate so I left it for the morning. This morning I threw the battery on the charger and found that the fuse at the alternator side had blown, saving me from having to rewire my car or worse.....

I put in a new fuse, stuck my meter on the battery and fired it up. 18+ volts at the battery! I had the VR101 on the shelf so I stuck that in there, fired it up and "viola!" 14.2ish. Reading at the alternator output I'm getting 15. Sound about right?

Thanks again Dan. So on my list now is a voltage gauge along with the HEI and that should be it for electrical.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad to have helped (yes, this is why we put fuses at both ends!). Interesting about the dead VR-128; what brand is it, d'you know?

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