Slant Six Forum

1973 Gold Duster in Tucson
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Author:  Rob Simmons [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice progress!!

There used to be a local Slant 6 Club of America chapter there in Tucson, but it may not exist anymore.

I was introduced to the Slant 6 back in 1990 when I bought my '72 Dart Swinger from Galloway Jeep / Eagle on Speedway. :wink:

Tucson is home... :D

Author:  neilskiw [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Wiper Seals

Have you done the wiper seals yet?

I remember cruising my '70 dart through a driving rainstorm when the stereo started sparking and smoking..... Ack!!! Whatthe???

Also before you put your new carpet and padding in the car.... The wiper seals are probably the reason the floor pan was rusty.

Great job! Keep up the good work! Thanks for posting lots of pictures... and pictures of any parts you want to replace. You never know who might stumble across one of those as they wander through Pick N Pull.


Author:  Louise76 [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ditto. Wiper Seals,

Author:  JamesKPolk [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ill take another look at the seals, a few weeks ago I did an experiment at the spray-and-wash and did not get any water on the floor, but that is not super scientific. Speaking of wipers, I purchased some new wiper ?arm? bushings to as mine had crumbled apart, so the right hand wiper does not work.

I ordered some of these : ... 3c&vxp=mtr

They are really hard plastic and split when I was trying to install them, I couldn't get the leverage on them to connect them to wiper nipple under the dash. I imagine that these are the ebay special variety and there may be higher quality bushings that are softer. Does anyone have any advice on these? should I try the doorman brand? I have a few more from the first batch, so I was thinking of softening them with some hot water or a heat gun. Any thoughts?

Author:  neilskiw [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Wiper Seals

This picture is for visual reference only. I have no affiliation or experience with this seller and cannot vouch for or deny their business practices. ... ps&lpid=82

Author:  Louise76 [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dormans work ok for me. Use a socket as back-up and Channel lock pliers or a C-clamp to press them together. Easier said than done, as you are working with your arms jammed up under the dashboard. I put some silicone grease like Dow-Corning DC-4 on the ball & socket before snapping them together. Use a grease that won't attack the plastic. I'm sure the Service Manual has a recommendation also. By the way- do this stuff AFTER you change the wiper post seals.

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wiper Seals

Have you done the wiper seals yet?

I remember cruising my '70 dart through a driving rainstorm when the stereo started sparking and smoking..... Ack!!! Whatthe???
Wow, my wife's Plymouth Horizon did that when she drove it off the lot when she bought it new in `85! I guess Mopar finally fixed that, but hers burnt a hole in the dash.

Author:  JamesKPolk [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

You may want to take it out to the Tucson Mopar Club get together next Saturday between 11 & 2 at Larry H Miller Dodge. See below:
I was able to swing by for a few minutes on Saturday, it was a really cool show!

I had a chance to get some of the insulation I am going to use into the car over the weekend as well. I ran out of the 25' roll after about 2/3 of the car was done. Note the weights I am using while the glue dries.

Also on the ceiling:

I also was able to un-bind my rear seatbelts. I used my bench as a drying station after I rinsed the belts. Hopefully when it dries the 20 year creases will be gone.

Author:  limedust70 [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't know if you had a chance to sign up with the Tucson Mopar club while you were at the show but you should. It costs you nothing and gets you a card for 10-15% off parts at Larry H Miller Dodge where the show was held. Also don't know if you picked up one of their flyers with the schedule of shows (next one is Feb 6, 11am - 2pm) but they do one every other month. Website: or e-mail:

No I am not a member but do enjoy get togethers like this. Only traveled 7 hours (each way) for the 3 hour event. It was worth it.

Rob may remember Rick Valent from the old Slant Six club & some Killer Bees racing. Ran into him & his wife at the show. Still has the Hemi Anderson Barracuda but has moved into PT Cruisers.

Author:  JamesKPolk [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:40 am ]
Post subject: 

I met Rick, cool dude, really cool Barracuda!

Author:  JamesKPolk [ Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

So I did not get as much done this weekend as I was hoping, I blame being very hung-over on Saturday, but I soldiered on.

I got the headliner installed with essential assistance of my buddy. The headliner I have was a used ABS one that had already been in a duster, so the holes were already all there. It's not a great fit, but it was only $50, so I think it's fine for now, maybe later I will re-cover this with green.

Next I attacked my package tray. The old one was rotted, cracked and torn.

So I traced the old press board onto 1/4 inch MDF and cut out the shape with a jigsaw. I put it in the car and marked up where it didn't fit right. I marked the mounting holes (where the old one had spring clips). I drilled the holes, inserted a bolt, and glued some extra carpet (I ordered 2 extra yards of the same color).

This is before I put the bolts in:
I glued the carpet down and put some weight on top, left it over night.

Sunday morning I trimmed some of the carpet, added pleats, and after pulling each "tab" tight I used my air-stapler and tacked it down.

I looked good!
Then I measured 3 pieces of approximately color matched vinyl (not ideal color, but I want to get this done, I don't think people will notice.
I stapled the vinyl surface down alone the perimeter. I wanted to use a thick piece of leather cut as a 1/2 inch strip as a tack strip, but it was too think for my staples. Instead I used more staples and tried to make a nice hard line in the vinyl. I folded the long center strip over on itself at its edge and laid the 2 side pieces over it, and finished stapling it. Then I just fold the vinyl over the staples and get a nice seam.

I installed the 2 rear sail panels, then installed my new package tray. The vinyl will be wrapped around the frame and then attached using clips just like the old one.

This picture I have one clip installed:

Next time I will add all the clips, and trim the excess material. I will also used a heat gun to ease any creases in the vinyl.

Here are some more pictures.

This week I will finished the space duster fold down door area and then get that carpet in.

Author:  Louise76 [ Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice job trimming with the vinyl. Using the MDF board and staples looks like it was relatively easy, and I'm all for easy: the K.I.S.S. principle. I have hesitated to buy a new ABS headliner at $300.00, because I always wondered about sagging of the ABS headliner. Did you notice any sagging or deforming of the one you used? (I have developed my own repair for the OEM headliners.)

Author:  JamesKPolk [ Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, it is already sagging at the fold, which is why I was able to get it cheap. The PO had gone through 2 of them with rock-auto, and they told him not to send them back after finally sending him a cardboard one. So he sold them on craigslist for cheap. Its not really sagging, but the fabric around the folds has peeled off a bit, so it is noticeable, but at least the fabric is still concave, and not drooping. I think some point in the future I will peel off the foam-backed fabric, and just glue the fabric on directly.

Author:  JamesKPolk [ Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:47 am ]
Post subject: 

I was able to work on the package tray a bit more. I trimmed the excess vinyl and tucked in behind the frame, I was able to reuse some of the old clips, but did not have enough, so under the interior pieces I used small office supply binder clips! I think they will work out.

Im not 100% happy with it, as I still got some creases in the vinyl, though the picture makes it look worse as the vinyl is a little shiny is reflecting the flash. I will try the heat gun on it and see if that smooths it a bit.

I also wish I bought some interior vinyl and plastics paint and repaint the wheel well cover pieces. The plastic is old and dry, and any time I scrap it leaves a white mark.

I also covered the metal plate that goes over the gas tank with matched carpet. I want to get the trunk door covered as well, but the old door is plywood and the carpet is glued and stapled to it, so its really hard to remove. I am debating giving up on the old door and just making a new one, but I know that will take a lot longer. I am dying to get this on the road by xmas. I might just leave the door off for a while and finish everything else.

Anybody have any luck stripping old carpet off of wood?

Author:  neilskiw [ Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  removing carpet...

You might think about a belt sander to strip that carpet. No harsh chemicals (other than the ones in the glue and carpet fibers that will be aerosolized). Better wear a mask!

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