Slant Six Forum

Remflex gasket no more....
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Author:  Nicademas [ Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think a felpro gasket would work with a stock intake and exhaust. However both of mine are from clifford. I did make sure they dident bind up and that they were machined straight before mounting them. As for retorking them I am useing bolts and not studs so I dont know it that would let them back off.... but maby with vibrations, heat and time they could. I will check the torck before taking it apart.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

I stopped using Fel-Pro's manifold gaskets years ago. Sure didn't appreciate having to re-do manifold R&Rs because of their poor quality. I'm not starting again any time soon. The NAPA (Victor-Reinz) gasket is better. The Australian gasket was a real winner, but the vendor stopped vending. None of the mainstream gasket companies' intake-to-exhaust (hotbox) gasket is worth a tinker's dam; stamped metal is just no damn good in that application and it almost certainly will leak.

Author:  kielbasa [ Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

I ordered this gasket from Amazon. The first one came in broke and bent. The replacement they sent me was bent as well. They put paper in a long box, and shove the gasket into the paper, and it bends. They do not brace the gasket like the company does, with two pieces of cardboard on each side with rubber bands holding them onto the gasket. I ended up ordering one thru Ebay. Should get it tomorrow. Hopefully that performance shop does better than Amazon.
I ordered a similar graphite gasket a while back. Arrived in 2pcs. Then ordered reflex from amazon. Arrived in 2 pcs. Replacement was sent, in a box about 3"x3".... ended up being some random 2 bolt flange gasket. 3rd one finally came back useable.

Author:  Nicademas [ Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  I guess complaining help.....

Well the guys at carquest done me right. When I originally asked if they could get remflex gaskets they gave me the same reply as Napa. "No for we are having problems with receiving parts that we order from them." Well I said my piece and lo and behold someone listened. The manager called me back today and said If I can pay in advance they could get one with there weekly order for no extra charge. So I ordered three of them at $40 a piece. Apparently the manager was having issues getting a lot of items from the warehouse they order from so he "dropped them like a bag of $#!+". This made me laugh hearing a grown man talk like a punk. But its nice to know that small towns have people that listen and care what there customers think.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:35 am ]
Post subject: 

You can just order direct from RemFlex. If you can order 5 you can get them at a nice discount and free shipping At least you could last time I ordered.


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