Slant Six Forum

no spark - can't figure out next step
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Author:  stephaniebrite77 [ Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:17 am ]
Post subject: 

This has been an entertaining and educational thread. Don't quit posting untill this thing is running. If it fires with starting fluid, fuel IS your problem. If it does not fire with starting fluid, then spark timing is the most likely culprit. Hang in their Dan. We all appreciate your knowledge and patience here.


Thanks Sam, and Dan!

So the car did start with carb cleaner. Roughly and it took a couple tries, but it was up and idling pretty well.


Took it for a spin around the block just to hopefully get the kinks out, and another wrench in the system - definitely something up with the carb, stalled after about half a mile or so and won't start up again.

Gonna do some reading up in the FSM and in the engine section, but I'll probably start another thread there as well. :roll:

I *will* get this old boat (said lovingly!) up and going soon!

Author:  Sam Powell [ Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would look next at the operation of the choke. If it is not closing on start up, then it is too lean to fire. If it does not open once started, then it will flood. I suspect the carb is now the culprit.

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