Slant Six Forum

HEI conversion question
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Author:  bashmaki [ Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Just thought I'd add a note here.
This pickup continues to run with no further module failures after the relay was wired into the system. Obviously one can wire HEI without the use of a relay and the truck will start and run. However, without a relay I place the module will live a short life. So the use of a relay in Dans instructions isn't a suggestion but a mandatory step a successful conversion.

In my initial conversion I actually had a relay to wire into the system but it was the wrong one. Living 35 miles from the auto parts store; I just wired it without one. Until I'd blown a few modules and went back to Dans drawing; I'd forgotten about the relay. 😒

Author:  coconuteater64 [ Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Glad it's up and running!q! When I wired mine up without a relay the truck would not turn off with the key! I attached the relay to the back of the heat sink right next to the module. I believe the alternator was feeding it enough voltage to keep running.

Author:  gdizzle [ Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Bashmaki, I found your thread very useful as I am right in the midst of try to complete the conversion. I bought the whole unit at the junk yrad off a 99 gm VOrtec. It has the coil, module, heat sink, bracket. The coil type is the 3 wire version. I cut off the wires so I hope to reuse the plug for ease. I also have purchased a relay and am hoping to get it all goin soon. Do you have any good photos of your setup? IThe bracket is super heavy, and only has 2 holes for a mount. I am unsure where best to place it. and which way up/down etc... Any ideas and pics would be greatly appreciated.

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