Slant Six Forum

Need a Radiator
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Author:  lgu32 [ Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:28 pm ]
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It is normal order spare parts overseas for old US vehicles. Local parts stores have limited selection and in many cases parts become cheaper even shipped around the world.

I bought the radiator from local shop. They had only universal Griffin (USA) radiators. I choose the best but still had to modify the outlet. Not many radiator shops here nowadays as modern cars does not need / modern radiadors are not possible to repair because their plastic ends. The only radiator shop charge me almost "new radiator price" for the outlet change.

After that I had to built mounts to get that unversal model installed to a Dart.

But here was no original style radiators and I was in hurry. Of course all the tasks took the same time I could estimate to get received overseas shipment. And my project cost more!

I am just now waiting for ring and pinion shipment. Comes in a sea container 8 weeks or so. Cheap shipment and we have winter and Dart is garaged.

:D :D

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