Slant Six Forum

Engine backfiring...
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Author:  Reed [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:20 am ]
Post subject: 

You need to adjust the reluctor gap in the distributor. There should be something like a .008-.012 gap between the pickup and the reluctor. Looks like you may even need a new reluctor.

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:27 am ]
Post subject: 

I'll try gaping it next.
That sounds like something that has to be ordered too!


Author:  WhaleMstr [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gapped it - no change...
Took distributor up and moved rotor back and it fired and is running...
A little roughly though...

Ordered new wires from local auto parts store will be in around 5 tonight...
Will be getting new fuel filter too...

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tried driving it again and it is acting the same way.
I put it in gear and it runs rough and when I give it gas it is acting like a tank chugging and chuffing...
Get's worse if I try to go faster or give it more fuel...

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just noticed that as of yesterday, I have been on this site for 14 years!

and I'm still a broke ass son of a beeoooch...

with a broke ass van now...
600 miles away from home...

hopefully that stray bullet I keep hoping for will find me soon!!!

Author:  emsvitil [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

What do the plugs look like?

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Plugs, cap and rotor are brand new as of about 6:30 last night...
Wires will be brand new as of about 6:30 tonight!


Author:  WhaleMstr [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am in Orange, CA for those of you unaware...
Came down to visit my sister and go to a van show in San Diego on Saturday...
Everything went beautifully, the van has been running great...
Get up and go wash the thing and get my hair cut and it takes a huge dump on me...

It is probably something simple - but at this point it is anything but simple...

Wish I could remember what I already posted, but, as to washing it - I did spray underneath, but made sure no pressure and very little water went up to the distributor or into the doghouse... the distributor was dry when I got home and checked it - as was the doghouse. I looked for loose wires that may have gotten blown off and there is nothing resembling that! lol

Carburation and fuel - next chapter in the continuing dufus drama of the WhaleMstr... movie rights for sale... inquire within...

Author:  '67 Dart 270 [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  wash....

Any chance water got into the fuel tank? How is the seal around the gas cap? Dump a bunch of methanol (dry gas) or ethanol (200 proof) in there and try again....


Author:  WhaleMstr [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chances are slim, but not impossible at this point! LOL

New fuel filter, some gas additive, and new plug wires as soon as my sister gets home and takes me over to the store... plus a new air cleaner for the carb - just for $#!+ and giggles...

If this doesn't do it - I'm gonna drink until I don't give a crap and wake up tomorrow and worry about it then...

Along side a headache...
That should make tomorrow fun huh???


Author:  Reed [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Water get on the MSD box? Water get into the MSD box conectors? Grounds clean and tight?

Author:  '67 Dart 270 [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  hmmm....

Whalemster, I said put the ethanol in the tank, not in you.... :P


Author:  WhaleMstr [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

The MSD box is inside the van - bolted to the engine compartment so it is out of weather and heat. The connectors and wires were coated with oil and some still are because I did not shoot water on them. I suppose I need to check all of them now too...

If none of this works tonight, I am onto a compression check in the morning...

I still need to re-adjust the Holley though, I know it is very rich...

What is the proper way to set one to start?
2 3/4 turns out from closed or what?
I need to check all of that...
This thing has always been a pain in the butt...

I have the carb you sent me someplace still Reed - just never went any further with dealing with it - because this one was working...

Author:  WhaleMstr [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brian! LOL
Us old guys need lubrication every now and then too ya know!!!

Author:  '67 Dart 270 [ Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  water

I think you see what Reed and I are getting at though, it seems more than a coincidence that this started after you washed it.

Usually, not always, but usually there is a suspect right in front of you.


P.S. I understand, I used to be a beer drinker, now I like red wine...neither of those will help in your gas tank anyway, so go ahead...but if you're planning to drink grain alcohol, better to just dump it into the gas tank.

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