Slant Six Forum

Oregon Cam ker-WHAT?
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Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:53 am ]
Post subject: 

There are some cam cores with a thicker shaft...
I got one from Oregon Cam Grinding for the Bonneville engine. Imagine the shaft being thick enough that it nearly comes to the base circle of the lobes. I was told by OCG that the smaller shaft was done for rod clearance, but it think that's a mistake. So if you want a really heavy, strong cam, buy the "170" cam.
I have also seen these "thick shaft" cams and agree that I tend to find them in the early engines... both 170s & 225s
I think Chrysler went to the smaller shaft design simply for cost savings / weight reduction.

These kinds of changes usually come from the supplier(s) who are constantly getting pushed for cost reductions.
Chrysler asks for cheaper parts as they ramp-up production and the supply base says OK... as long as you change xxx, in this case, that change was taking some cast iron out of the cam cores.
Just my 2 cents...

Author:  Old6rodder [ Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:27 am ]
Post subject: 

There are some cam cores with a thicker shaft...
I got one from Oregon Cam Grinding for the Bonneville engine. Imagine the shaft being thick enough that it nearly comes to the base circle of the lobes. I was told by OCG that the smaller shaft was done for rod clearance, but it think that's a mistake. So if you want a really heavy, strong cam, buy the "170" cam.
I have also seen these "thick shaft" cams and agree that I tend to find them in the early engines... both 170s & 225s
I think Chrysler went to the smaller shaft design simply for cost savings / weight reduction.

These kinds of changes usually come from the supplier(s) who are constantly getting pushed for cost reductions.
Chrysler asks for cheaper parts as they ramp-up production and the supply base says OK... as long as you change xxx, in this case, that change was taking some cast iron out of the cam cores.
Just my 2 cents...
Though limited to 225s, this's my observation as well.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:29 am ]
Post subject: 

That makes a lot more sense. Thanks, all.

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