Slant Six Forum

Vacuum Advance
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Author:  n4dxx [ Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Take some more pics of the fender wells (both) and the firewall area. It has to have some sort of ignition retro-fit installed if it runs at all. Someone will be able to identify the ignition source.
There is a Module of some sort behind the battery mounted inside the fender well has about 10 wires going to it..I see No other source anywhere for ignition so maybe that's it..When my wife gets home with the smart phone i will upload a better pic of the module ... j5pml7.jpg

Here is another of the plug that is supposed to be plugged into the distributor i suppose...Looks like i have a mess to figure out..But for what it's worth it run's very good but i want my vacuum advance fixed.. ... ufqbd2.jpg

Author:  86slantram [ Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

That would be it. Same location on my 86. I have had the same plug hanging from my truck's wiring loom near the dizzy since I have owned it. From what I found in the FSM, that is a dizzy plug for the vehicles built for California emission. I'm in Minnesota, hence, there was no need for the plug

Author:  n4dxx [ Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

That would be it. Same location on my 86. I have had the same plug hanging from my truck's wiring loom near the dizzy since I have owned it. From what I found in the FSM, that is a dizzy plug for the vehicles built for California emission. I'm in Minnesota, hence, there was no need for the plug
So what i need to do is change out the Dizzy with a vacuum advance and finish the hei conversion..Then i will be set

Author:  Reed [ Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

That would be it. Same location on my 86. I have had the same plug hanging from my truck's wiring loom near the dizzy since I have owned it. From what I found in the FSM, that is a dizzy plug for the vehicles built for California emission. I'm in Minnesota, hence, there was no need for the plug
So what i need to do is change out the Dizzy with a vacuum advance and finish the hei conversion..Then i will be set
And probably swap to an older carburetor with the correct ported vacuum advance for the distributor and make sure that the electric assist for the choke thermostat still works properly.

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