Slant Six Forum

How much top-end oiling is enough?
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Author:  Danarchy [ Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Running 1-2 qts high can help quite a bit.
just for road racing right? 'cause that sounds like a Bad idea to me.

and just for a point of reference (Frank), if you put your hand over my engine (at low rpm's) like in the video, it would drench your hand in oil! :lol:
I always have to clean the passenger side of the engine and check the oil after valve adjustments, and I have gotten very quick at it!

Author:  Jase [ Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Out of all the possible comparisons to be made, *that* was the one you went with? :lol:
When I was a teenager just getting into Slant-6 engines, I had a copy of this book.* It dealt almost exclusively with big-block Chev V8s, but Smokey Yunick was a hell of a teacher and storyteller, and there was all kinds of detailed information in the book—backed up with solid, rigourously scientific theory.

*Damn, look at those prices! I paid ordinary cover price for mine, and now I wonder if I still have it somewhere.
His daughter and or family is reprinting the Power Secrets book under the Carbon Press label and the price for admission is about $35-40. I bought one and learned well more than the price of admission. Very accessible information and sound reasoning and experience behind his beliefs.

Author:  wjajr [ Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:07 am ]
Post subject: 

At that rpm shown in video my windshield and fire wall would be covered in oil in about sixty seconds. I have to idle down to 500 or less rpm to keep from dumping a cup of oil on floor during a lashing. Even at that low rpm its a messy job setting lash.

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