Slant Six Forum

Big Bore Pistion Selection / Availability 12/22/17
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Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big Bore Pistion Selection / Availability 12/22/17

I'm up for some "+.104" pistons if we can get them with thin racing rings.

Hi Matt, The Piston Info that I pulled up from 2009 on the +0.104 Wiseco' s has the ring specs as follows:

Is that Ring Pack too Big for what you want?


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big Bore Pistion Selection / Availability 12/22/17

Sorry to divert the thread, but would anyone interested be in some 1.2" compression height pistons likely in 3.504" bore? I am thinking of getting 2 sets made for 198 crank + 170 block and stroker 225 projects I am working toward. Not right away, but down the road a little...


So If I am Thinking with you correctly if the current +0.104" Piston is at 1.625" compression Height then going to 1.2" would result in the piston sitting 0.425" Lower in the bore if installed on the same rod?

Meaning that with a Piston Change I could reuse my small cc Head for say a boosted application?

Hmmm... I wanted to get a set of 0.104's for the Grüne Hölle Engine build anyway and if I throw the Mike Jeffery Head on there, I will need a Big Bore. I think I would be okay with low compression at first, then maybe turbo later on....


Author:  Dart270 [ Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Big Bore Pistion Selection / Availability 12/22/17

That might be pushing it for a 198 rod length. However, I am looking to get 7.2" rods made for my 4.5" stroker motor, so those could work with a small cc head. I need to get with Tom Molnar about custom rods. I can keep you in the loop when I do that. Probably not in the next 1-2 months... We can talk at the banquet!


Author:  Will [ Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big Bore Pistion Selection / Availability 12/22/17

I would be interested in a wiseco group but. 3.504

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