Slant Six Forum

Fuel going bad
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Author:  Jase [ Sat May 16, 2020 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fuel going bad

I pulled my engine in February thinking it might take a couple of months or more to rebuild. But surprise, it has taken a lot longer (still at machine shop). I have a pretty full gas tank and there is (probably) still fuel in the carb. How long is too long for fuel to sit in a garaged vehicle? Do I need to do anything special to the carb other than pour out the bowl? Any tips on siphoning fuel out of the tank?

I was able to drain a full tank of gas last summer by jacking up the rear of the car, and the fuel pretty much self siphoned into my containers.... IF you decide you want to go that route. Siphoning out the filler tube has never worked very well for me. and I sort of fell into the idea. All that being said, If the tank is mostly full, I would not worry too much about that gas going bad before fall, and for my own peace of mind, I would drain it in the fall if the car does not look like it will be on the road before winter.

Author:  volaredon [ Sat May 16, 2020 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fuel going bad

when I got my D150, it had a length of clear line off the fuel pump curled up within the wheel well.... like the PO cranked and cranked the engine to drain some gas from the tank via the fuel pump.... I put that clear line into a 5 gallon can next to the RF tire to initially get it running on..... the vibration of it running, started the siphon process, and all of a sudden, I noticed a bad fuel "leak" bouncing off the backside of the timing cover, it was the remaining fuel siphoning off thru the truck's fuel line.... so the 2nd time I had it running I made sure it was outside, and let it run long enough to start the siphon, shut it off, and let as much old gas that was willing, to drain into the gravel that is my driveway. Today I hooked up the trucks fuel line to the fuel pump and poured about 7-8 gallons into the tank.... though I know this truck had sat at least 3 years, outside, before I "rescued" it...… a lot longer than the OP is talking about.

Author:  wjajr [ Tue May 26, 2020 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fuel going bad

I have watched several of these compression videos, and listened to the small engine guy I purchased my snowblower and zero turn from. Video guy never said what the ratio fuel to water was in his test jars, they never do. Small engine guy had jars lined up with what looked like 10% water, and he also said the stuff ain't working.

I wonder what ratio water to fuel these stabilizer potions are designed to work with. Exceed that manufacture's ratio, and the stuff wont work.

With a full tank is how I always parked my old heaps nu-heated over winter about 6 months in Maine. Now I run the tanks to almost dry with non E, and stabilizer, cars are in a dry heated area at 30 to 40% relative humidity. I just started the LeBaron up last week after being parked since mid October. It fired right up after five or six seconds of cranking, and ran well. I than drove to the nearest non E station about a mile away, and I'm ready for another two tank full summer.

The Dart I store the same way none E low fuel level tank, but where it is 15 mpg pig it gets feed all summer on 89 octane with 10% Jim Beam.

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