.015 difference works out to be a .21 of static compression change.
For me, the issue is always about maximizing compression with-out pre-ignition (pinging) for the fuel being used... in all cylinders.
All your tuning work will be based on the first cylinder to detonate. (ping)
Generally, a SL6 with a factory 1 or 2 BBL intake manifold, with compression totally equal in all cylinders, cylinders 2 and / or 5 will usually be the first cylinders to detonate because those are leanest, from a fuel distribution standpoint.
#1 and 6 tend to run the richest and therefore, are more detonation resistant because of manifold shape. ("wet" intake manifold boundary effect)
Following these observations, if I had a .21 compression increase, I would want it on cylinders # 1 & 6.
If I had a .21 compression decrease, it would be nice to have it on #2 & 5.
In reality, this type of compression difference is usually the result of a "front-to back" mis-alignment between the deck and the crank mainline (line bore) so you do not get the compression difference in the cylinder(s) that could benefit from it.
Long story short, it is best to get the compression as even as possible in all the cylinders, to help final engine tuning
Doing so allow for leaner fuel mixtures and more aggressive timing curves then you could run with an engine that has one cylinder detonating way sooner then the others.
I'm going to be reading this post and thinking for a good while...
Can this post go into the engine build matrix?
So many followup questions that don't necessarily belong in this thread..