Slant Six Forum

How fast will a stock Slant go? Part II
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Author:  andrew [ Mon Sep 01, 2003 9:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had a stock block,head and 904 tranny in my abody run 14.5 at 95mph @10psi. I know that this is with a turbo but it was a bolt on like exhaust or something


Author:  87Slant_sickness [ Mon Sep 01, 2003 9:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Dennis, what do you think it'd run with 3.23's compaired to the 3.91's?

Author:  Ron Parker [ Tue Sep 02, 2003 5:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Bagel that sounds good i will pull the plugs and see what they look like. Some people told me i need about 1375 on the E.G.T. so thats where im at . I am going to up the jets this week and see what happens. I am running 73s in the front and 79 in the back . Holley on a standard double pumper 750 uses 72 on the front and 80 on the back Gary keeps telling me im lean . Do you think i need to be more square on the jets ie 76 in the front and 76 in the back talk to me buddy Thanks Possum :D :D :D Ps the carb has a 4.5 power valve in it

bagels my buddy but im going beat his butt

Author:  slantzilla [ Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Possum, personally I like to put a plug in the power valve hole and run about 2 sizes higher in the back side than the front. Don't quote me on the EGT, I may be full of crap. I just know that's where Mike and Blaine like to keep theirs. I'd toss a little more jet in it to see if it goes faster or not anyway. :shock:

Author:  Ron Parker [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK Bagel wewill try that combo this weekend we do our homework pretty good . After all if we can be friends on the web we can be enemys at the drag strip. But one thing about it we will meet again some time in the future and the race is on. i'm a racer and you are a racer we will collide. Because it ain't over until win. :D :D :D

Bagel vs Possum its going to happen

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