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Anybody running NGK ZFR5N plugs
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Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Aug 26, 2024 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel octane

I am interested in the higher octane resistance to burn vs. longer burning idea. Thank you for the links and writing, Dan. This is new thinking for me, but it makes sense. For one thing, we might expect that if the fuel is more highly refined, then the variation (spread or distribution) of gasoline molecules/sizes will be smaller, and thus the ability to preignite will be lower. Lower octane rating fuel might have a wider range of molecule types, so some of the smaller (or differently shaped) molecules will preignite more easily and start all the other ones burning, causing knock.
Maybe—that sounds reasonable, though again, I am not a petrochemist.

Let's be careful, though, not to conflate "more refined" and "higher octane"—that is an idea hinted-at in trying to get motorists to buy more expensive premium gasoline even though they get no benefit from it. There was a big marketing campaign on that basis by…Amoco in the mid-late '90s, I think it was. Print, radio, and TV ads about their water-clear premium gasoline (sooooo much cleaner and nicer than those icky old regular old normal old boring old dingy old yellow-brownish gasolines, don'tchyaknow!). They installed special nozzles on the premium pumps, with a sight glass containing a spinner ball so you could see the water-clear gasoline flowing through, and get a warm fuzzy feeling about buying extra-good stuff for your car to blot out the cold prickly feeling of money leaving your wallet without any actual benefit. They made that gasoline water-clear by an extra refining step. Was there any benefit to the user? None that I ever saw, heard of, or read about. Eventually the campaign was discontinued.

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