Slant Six Forum

Parking sensors for my Valiant
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Author:  crickhollow [ Wed Jan 08, 2025 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Parking sensors for my Valiant

Do I need to insulate my number plate light (where it screws to the bumper) to fully insulate/isolate my rear bumper?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Jan 18, 2025 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Parking sensors for my Valiant

We got along without these things just fine for many years
And now that we have them, pedestrians get hit less and cars get less bent, less often. No thoughtful person should have a problem with that.

We can rant until the cows freeze over about how people should pay careful attention to what they're doing at all times, every time they're in the driver's seat. That's right, but people are lousy at doing that—rant or no rant.

I don't like being beeped and booped and pinged at by the blind spot alert in my 2014-model car. Most of the time it's redundant; I've checked my properly-adjusted mirrors and double-checked over my shoulder before backing out or changing lanes, and I already know there's a car or a pedestrian or a bicyclist. But it's alerted me to unseen hazards enough that my occasional irritation at "BeeBeeBeep!" is a fair exchange for avoiding collisions, near-hits, or even just spiked adrenaline and blood pressure.

So I won't get onside in mocking the OP for wanting parking sensors.

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