Slant Six Forum

New Valve Cover
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Author:  Mike Andreas [ Fri May 14, 2004 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Cool Idea?

Wouldn't it be great if the sides of the cover attached to the head and the top came off for adjusting the valves without oil running down the side of the block. Also, while I'm thinking about it. How bout a front cover that comes off so you can get to the upper timing gear and cam without breaking the seal with the oil pan?

I know. There I go thinking again


Author:  guest [ Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am sorry to take too long to get back to you on this project. It has been a bad summer. I heard back from Brent @ PML and they decided NOT to go ahead with the project. He cited the lack of an engine compartment to look at and questionable market size. I appreciate the help with this and maybe it will work out some day in the future.


Author:  Mike Andreas [ Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  That's ok

Can't heart to dream. My neighbor is an areospace machinest. maybe I can get him interested


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 7:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brent at PML would like to know if the outter most turned down lip on the gasket flange is needed for proper sealing(gasket retention or just rigidity) any input would be helpful. the new cover would be a thick wall AL and have a heavy flange for sealing.
The turndown does help retain the gasket especially during installation. This can be a valid concern on engine installations with tight clearance ('60-'62 A-bodies come to mind, amongst others).
As far as moving the walls on the slant 6 valve cover outward all the way to be flush with the flange
CAREFUL here. Many cars have various attachments (A/C brackets, etc.) bolted to one or both of the two threaded bosses on the top surface of the cylinder head (located between the valve cover and the intake manifold on an installed and assembled engine). These brackets are a very tight/close fit to the stock valve cover!
I'm just trying to understand what the design constraints are for a new cover. The finished design may have an external flange like the stock cover (certainly would if there is something non flexible running right up against the side of the valve cover) or it might be similar to our 7872 valve covers. Not being familiar with the ins and outs of the slant 6 engine and it's plumbing/wiring etc, I'm relying on you to give us the information needed.[/quote[

If I were closer, I'd show up in person to help out. One thing that's important is to measure the height of rear area of the stock valve cover. Notice how it's lower in height at the rear -- this is intentional, for some applications have very tight clearance in the engine bay in that area. At the same time, it's important to maintain sufficient internal height clearance for whatever stock or modified cam/rocker setups people might be running.

Have we already discussed the need for baffles and holes?

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