Slant Six Forum

So let's talk about Redding! Oct. 25 & 26th
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Author:  63dartdude [ Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

David Erickson
Wayne Erickson
Aric Erickson
Doug Dutra
Allan Dutra
Fopar - Fri,Sat.&Sun
Glen Terry
Stephanie di Bona - Fri, Sat, and Sun.
Josh - Spare car from Sergio
David E - new Sacto - Sat
Charlie Holt
THOR - Salem - Sat & Sun
Dana Prater
RDJ Randy!
Frank Wright
Guzzi Mark
Tony from Oroville
68dart - Amy driving
Rich Wilson
Rob M
Racin' Jason
(NAPA) Chuck
Paul White - Loomis, CA - SAT
CJ - Fri,Sat.&Sun

Possible additional Racers:

Reg Evans
Art #1
Art #2
Dan Ochs - Good Chance!
Mike Ricks
Paul Olds
Woody Blanchard
Chuck Rivers Ace Reporter
Randy Jones

Support Crew and SSRN reporting staff:

Linda Trusty assistant
Joe - Glen's Crew Chief. (Still looking for better accomodations.)
Gary Nelson - video and photos.

Sending best wishes from afar:

David Kight, Searching Speed and ESPN for coverage...
Sandy in BC - Remote Tee-Pee/Ale grading support
Kristi Dutra-- Fitting her Horse for swim fins.

Since my car bit the dust (better now than on the trip up there or back), I took Amy Nelson off the list of drivers. She will most likely show up still, as she still feels part of the team. And yes, will probably BEE the mascot, in her Bee costume. We are both disappointed. But will be showing up with a tent. As I have a video planned that should be a million times better than previous videos. I just need cooperation from everyone to pose for some photos. And give me your times. I should have a clipboard hanging to put in your times. That would be for Sunday. My video will show part of Saturday, but will mostly be aimed at Sunday's event. I think you will love the finished video, when it comes out most likely Spring of 2009. It will require countless hours of editing.

Sorry, to take our count down. But Wayne knows how much I want to BEE there with my car. I was telling him ages ago, we should get over 30, if we worked hard enough. Bummer.

Author:  wayne erickson [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Gary: We all want to thank you for the previous video and all your help and support for our/your team. You have been the 'catlylist' for getting the cars to Redding from the Sacto area. I know about the valve problem but glad to found it early. Yes, please BEE AT REDDING...Both of you with your camera and tent. This video will be highly prized by all in attendance. See you soon, Wayne/Aric

Author:  wayne erickson [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Please add Aaron Downing to the list...He is coming on Saturday...Thanks Aaron...

Author:  ceej [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:07 am ]
Post subject: 

David Erickson
Wayne Erickson
Aric Erickson
Doug Dutra
Allan Dutra
Fopar - Fri,Sat.&Sun
Glen Terry
Stephanie di Bona - Fri, Sat, and Sun.
Josh - Spare car from Sergio
David E - new Sacto - Sat
Charlie Holt
Dana Prater
RDJ Randy!
Frank Wright
Guzzi Mark
Tony from Oroville
68dart - Amy driving
Rich Wilson
Rob M
Racin' Jason
(NAPA) Chuck
Paul White - Loomis, CA - SAT
CJ - Fri,Sat.&Sun
Aaron Downing - Sat

Possible additional Racers:

THOR - Salem - Sat & Sun
Reg Evans
Art #1
Art #2
Dan Ochs - Good Chance!
Mike Ricks
Woody Blanchard
Chuck Rivers Ace Reporter
Randy Jones

Support Crew and SSRN reporting staff:

Linda Trusty assistant
Joe - Glen's Crew Chief. (Still looking for better accomodations.)
Gary Nelson - video and photos.

Sending best wishes from afar:

David Kight, Searching Speed and ESPN for coverage...
Sandy in BC - Remote Tee-Pee/Ale grading support
Kristi Dutra-- Fitting her Horse for swim fins.
Paul Olds - Painting the Belvedere

Author:  ceej [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  The List

David Erickson
Wayne Erickson
Aric Erickson
Doug Dutra
Allan Dutra
THOR - Salem - Sat & Sun
Fopar - Fri,Sat.&Sun
Glen Terry
Stephanie di Bona - Fri, Sat, and Sun.
Josh - Spare car from Sergio
David E - new Sacto - Sat
Charlie Holt
Dana Prater
RDJ Randy!
Frank Wright
Guzzi Mark
Tony from Oroville
68dart - Amy driving
Rich Wilson
Rob M
Racin' Jason
(NAPA) Chuck
Paul White - Loomis, CA - SAT
CJ - Fri,Sat.&Sun
Aaron Downing - Sat

Author:  madmax/6 [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Testing tuneing Guzzi car tonight,after a hard pull i got a bad metallic noise,Idelled. ran fine,bad noise,nursed it home,pulled inspection plate 0ff thinking it was loose converter bolts,nope,front of starter broke off,couldnt fish piece out,I now have a lighter starter,and a window cut out of bell housing to get the piece out,will be there not 100%,going back together tonight,mark

Author:  madmax/6 [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fixed,got chunk out,will bring chewed up piece to Redding,let me know if ya wanna see a kinda bad noise,mark,,,

Author:  MiDi [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

i'm not going :( because i have to work and i can't afford it.

i'll see everyone next year.


neil parker - aka MiDi

Author:  madmax/6 [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

if its a money issue,i will work a couple hours harder,IF you show up,I will Hand you a $100,bill,no obligations,want you there,pay me back by 2020.I will put up $100 to get you there.Mark

Author:  wayne erickson [ Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:55 am ]
Post subject: 

The Killer Bee Team still has a little $$ in the "kitty". We will be glad to help out and pay both of your days admission and also your tech fee...Now what you say? Tent city awaits ....BEE THERE...


Author:  wayne erickson [ Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Just heard from the track management and they are really excited about us coming 'in force'. I am sure Chuck or Doug will do a future feature story about this event in a magazine and also with Seymour. Please all when you check in on Saturday, take two (2) tech is for Sat and one will be for Sunday. We can turn in both days with the Sat. tech. We will only pay $10.00 total for both tech cards...$10.00 per day per head for addmission. $30.00 for entire weekend...They really want us to break this record..BEE THERE...

Author:  Doc [ Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I talked with Randy Jones and he looks like a "Bee There"... this will be the first real road trip for his 62 Lancer. :D

Author:  ceej [ Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

David Erickson
Wayne Erickson
Aric Erickson
Doug Dutra
Allan Dutra
THOR - Salem - Sat & Sun
Fopar - Fri,Sat.&Sun
Glen Terry
Stephanie di Bona - Fri, Sat, and Sun.
Josh - Spare car from Sergio
David E - new Sacto - Sat
Charlie Holt
Dana Prater
RDJ Randy!
Frank Wright
Guzzi Mark
Tony from Oroville
68dart - Amy driving
Rich Wilson
Rob M
Racin' Jason
(NAPA) Chuck
Paul White - Loomis, CA - SAT
CJ - Fri,Sat.&Sun
Aaron Downing - Sat
Randy Jones

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow!! that makes 36 cars... this is going to be a "really big shooowww"...

Author:  MiDi [ Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

i'm also having car problems so i will be a no show, thanks for all the wonderfull offers everyone. next year i'll bee @ almost every west coast race!

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