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Slant Six Racing News Records - all classes
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Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

I will be sending slips to Seymour soon from Hagerstown for D/U speed and ET. Gee, I just noticed I broke my previous D/U MPH record at Wilkesboro this year too.


Author:  Rob Simmons [ Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I will be sending slips to Seymour soon from Hagerstown for D/U speed and ET.

Hmmm,... That extra 20 points would put you in the #3 spot in the National Championship going into the last race at Clay City...

I ain't sayin',... I'm just sayin'... :wink:

Author:  Fopar [ Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dennis, I added about 8# for jacket, trousers & helmet guess that would make me a bantam weight driver. :lol: :lol:


Author:  Badvert65 [ Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Are records only set at scheduled slant six races?

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

They can be set at any track that is hosting a slant 6 race. You can set it during the race, time trials or even during participation in another class race. As long as there is a slant 6 race that weekend you are good to set and back up a record.

Author:  Exner Geek [ Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I received the paperwork on the new records that Rusty Heisten set at the MoKan race last weekend. The quarter mile record of 11.1237 and 117.28 MPH looks good but there is a problem with the 1/8 mile. Rusty made a run of 6.992 at 93.29 MPH on the eighth mile in the first round of the Slant 6 race but no other strictly 1/8 mile runs as the time trials on Friday were 1/4 mile and he went out in the first round of the race. When we have had meets that feature both the 1/8 and 1/4 mile, as Clay City sometimes does, the rule has been that only runs on the 1/8 mile count for 1/8 mile records. I know every 1/4 mile time slip has an 1/8 mile split but it has been decided in the past that 1/8 mile records cannot be set this way. The idea is to provide more opportunities for different people to set records and make the 1/8 mile experience somewhat unique. The NHRA only recognizes 1/8 mile records set at specific 1/8 mile events probably for the same reason. Do we want to reopen the rules on this subject?

Author:  Team Green [ Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mo-Kan is gracious enough to let us have 1/8 bracket during the Friday Night Fun Drags and now it doesn't count. We can't ask them to change the printer output every time a slant powered car makes a pass. I can see the problem if the time slip was the second day of Mo-Kan but the 1/8 mile time slips were April 8th.

Who had the 1/8 mile record we were going after?

This doesn't pass the smell test!


Author:  slantzilla [ Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

NHRA will accept a 1/8 and 1/4 record from the same pass. Mike ended up with an 1/8th mile record with the orange car that way.

However, the Slant rule has been that both record and backup both had to be set during 1/8th mile races. Time runs only counted if there was an actual 1/8th mile race being held.

The idea was to get more cars at 1/8th mile races.

Personally, I always thought it was short sighted, but that's just me. It may have been good when we had lots of cars that did travel all over, but those days are long gone.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Sat Apr 16, 2016 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eighth mile records can only be set at eighth mile Slant 6 events such as Wilkesboro or Farmington. Eighth mile splits on quarter mile time slips don’t count. At races like Clay City or Bristol where the Slant 6 race is run on the quarter mile but some other brackets are run on the eighth, we will accept quarter mile records only.
This is from the rules to set records on p.11 of this thread.

I also know that we did discuss this topic a couple years back at the banquet and it was decided to keep it as it was. No 1/8 mile splits.

Author:  Team Green [ Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:39 pm ]
Post subject: 


If a person was to tow all the way to Knoxville to try to set a record on the 1/8 mile would it count?

Knoxville is not listed on page 11.


Author:  slantzilla [ Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is Knoxville a scheduled 1/8th mile race? If it is, you should be able to set a record.

Author:  Exner Geek [ Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I can't find where it was discussed but we have allowed 1/8 mile records to be set at Clay City during the strictly 1/8 mile time trials that they run for their other brackets. Maybe one of the Clay City slant races was actually run on the 1/8 mile, I don't remember but several records were set there in 2014 documented with real 1/8 mile time slips. Maybe that should not have been allowed. I looked at the NHRA rules and they state that 1/8 mile records can be set at 1/8 mile events only. This must be right as most classes that have 1/4 mile records don't have one for the 1/8. I think that at certain divisionals and maybe National Dragster Opens they advertise that 1/8 mile records can be set while most other racing is done on the 1/4 mile.

Author:  Team Green [ Sun Apr 17, 2016 10:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Back up a few messages and here is what Rick Covalt said on 10-28-2015:

"They can be set at any track that is hosting a slant 6 race. You can set it during the race, time trials or even during participation in another class race. As long as there is a slant 6 race that weekend you are good to set and back up a record."

The our record runs were 71 minutes apart on the same day!

Do the Covalts have a connection to the 1/8 mile record we are going for?

Mark :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Do the Covalts have a connection to the 1/8 mile record we are going for?
Mark, I am not sure what you are trying to say, but I can assure you that there is not a single Covalt that would not be happy for you to set the record. If you are implying something devious on our part you are sadly mistaken.

I hold no records and neither does any of my sons, although Ryan does have Seymour's race car. And that car and does hold the B/G 1/8 mile record. Ryan is likely totally unaware that we are commenting here since he is on the site very little. But I can assure that he would be happy for you too.

They can be set at any track that is hosting a slant 6 race. You can set it during the race, time trials or even during participation in another class race. As long as there is a slant 6 race that weekend you are good to set and back up a record.
I still think this is correct as long as you have 2 runs on the 1/8th mile, or two runs on the 1/4 mile. If my understanding of this is wrong someone please correct me.


Author:  Dart270 [ Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

All you need is TWO 18th mile timeslips that set the 1/8th record and TWO 1/4 mile timeslips that set the 1/4 record. That is what Seymour is asking about and I don't see a problem beyond that. This has been the rule for quite a few years and we hashed this out earlier (6-8yrs ago) that no 1/4 mile splits would be allowed.

Mark, I am truly sorry that you thought you were doing the right thing, but that the rules say something else. Many of us have been burned on similar problems where we thought we had done something correctly but it turned out we had not (like not passing tech at a track).

We can talk about changing it, but I really think we need to wait until the season is over to revisit it.

Slant on,


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