Slant Six Forum

1969 Dart Swinger Hyperpak 4 Speed IRWIN PA
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Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Transmission Swappin, and More! 4-3-07

Just got the Car off the jack Stands from about August or so.

I put on A brand new Set Of BFG Radial T/A's ( for Crusing)

P225 70R14 Fronts and P235 60R 14 Rears These are for the street of course!

I also had Been Running an 833 4 Speed With a 1:1 Top Gear and 3.09 first Gear.

I now Have 3 833 Boxes Built for the car -

Trans #1 - Cast Iron With 3.09 / 1.67 / 1:1 / 0.73(Wide Ratio Cruiser Box)

Trans #2 - Cast Iron With 3.09 / 1.92 / 1.40 / 1:1(Low Gear Box)

Trans #3 - Cast Iron With 2.66 / 1.91 / 1.39 / 1:1(Close Ratio Box)

I Will now Try the 833 With the 2.66 Low Gear - Alot of folks seem to think the RPM Drop on the 3.09 Box was costing some time in the 1/4- We Shall See.

Any comments from you other folks who run a stick 4 0r 5 speed What you use as a first gear ratio??

Future Plans Include Adding The Romac Balancer and Eventually The Tilley's Adjustable Timing Set.

I am planning on taking it to the Pittsburgh Raceway Park in a week or 2 for opening Weekend Festivities!

Tring to get into the 14's - 15.05 has been the fastest I have run twith the car so far.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  4-15-07 Taxes are done, Got me a ROMAC, Ready to race!

Hopefully the weather here in the northeast will let up soon and the sun will start shining.

The new rebuilt 833 trans is Driving and shifting good on the street.

I just put in The new Aussie Romac balancer - The overall diamneter was smaller so I had to really push the alternator to the passenger side to make the belt tight, I might Have to Buy a Shorter Fan Belt. The Timing marks on this piece are way off compared to the old ma mopar Balancer - So I just Lined the old balancer up at Zero, pulled it off and Put the Romac one on, and Marked the TDC (0) with a paint marker.

The new 0 is at the Romac Balancers' 279* mark - Maybe aussie Timing covers have the Tab in a different Spot??
Has Anyone else Ran in to this, With a Romac Of Course?

Pics Below.

Hopefully next weekend the rain and snow will stop so The Pittsburgh Track will open up.



Author:  Dart270 [ Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Greg,

Looks and sounds like good progress. You need a 66-down timing cover tab that bolts on near where the cover joins with the dr side oil pan rail. That will line up your marks.

Can't wait to see ya on the strip. Maybe I can get a ride in that beast this year?


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Lou, I guess I did not realise that the Timing tab was different on eariler models - I thought they were all the same from 60-78 or so, when they added the goofy Gun sight for the Timing probe.

I have to study my pre 69 slants more to be as well schooled as some of te other folks.

Maybe I should bring the street tires to columbus and take it crusin on brice road.... We can go street crusin. That would be the ticket there!!!

later Greg

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Test and tune 4-21-07 Lots of tire spinnin goin on

Went to test and tune on saturday.

First nice day we've seen here in 2-3 weeks,

Run I R/T - .230 60' - 2.092 1/4 - 15.236@90.78
Run II R/T - .384 60' - 2.171 1/4 - 15.595@86.48
Run IIIR/T - .105 60' - 2.241 1/4 - 15.444@90.38

Run II - the clutch pedal stuck on the floor between shifts 3-4, which I was told about before by folks who use the Mcleod Diaphrgham Set-up, however it never gave me any problems unil that run.
Promptly removed said Over-center spring.

I had lots of trouble "hooking Up" off the line, I have a higher first gear too, I spun on every launch..
I could blame the track, but I probably need to take a hard look at my rear suspension setup.

Until I get some more Funds to accomplish such a project, maybe differnt rear wheels, tires, etc. this is where I am.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Mon May 21, 2007 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  5-18/19-07 Chrysler Classic At Columbus OH

No real Shockers Here.

I ran slower and More Inconsistent than before.

I did Learn alot about the Hyperpak's Tempermental Side in relationship to the cold.

I went Out in Round 1 to Rodney Hargis as I was running way slower than my dial in and Rodney Was on the brakes hard after the 1000' mark to take the win.

Here are the Times.
Trial #1 15.72 @ 89.33 - Car Bogged Hard off the line, I had to double clutch it to not stall.
Trial #2 15.24 @ 89.79 - I started to do a lap around the pits before I staged to Heat the H pak Up A bit.
Trial# 3 15.170 @ 90.51 - Best run And a fun one as i raced Semour and We both run sticks, So it was cool as it was a heads up race - We were neck and neck all the way, and The others said it was such a neat sound to hear two stick cars hashin it out.
Trial # 4 15.34 @ 90.39 -
Elim #1 - 15.53 on a 15.29 @ 89.67 - Car bogged a bit again, and Rodney Knew it!

I learned a lot, ant that's what it's about.

I plant to do some test and tune with a 650 Cfm carb to see if I can get more top end, It feels flat up top. I also Am Going to Expirment with adding some Tunable extensions to my cutouts for more tweking.
I also Want to try some 7" aluminum wheels in the rear Which I am now having some backspacing cut into. I really wnat to Use these lighter, wider wheels without cutting or welding my car.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Finally..But Just Barely - Test and Tune 6-20-07

I finally Clicked off an E.T. in the 14's

I had Been Working on setting up a 650 CFM carb - I had jetted it every which Way and It was flat on power / Response and then it would pick up on the top end. My Et's Were about the same if not a bit slower Using the Bigger Carb.

So With That Exiperiment out of the way I Went back to my old Trusty Carter 500 CFM and I was able to manage a 14.996 @ 91.65.

I am pretty excited about this, and I need to continue Working on my reactions and Shifts. - If I can shift the car fast I will Get a Better Et.

Next I plan to Replace My Drag Wheels That I have the Slicks on with a set of vintage and Lighter Sprint Wheels. I had to have a machine shop Cut in some more Backspacing into the wheels So they fit under the quater panel.

They should be a big improvement as the Sprints are 7" wide, and the old stock Steelies are 5.5" Wide.

I will be racing at Pittsburgh This weekend, So I hope to pull off Some more 14 Second Et's


Author:  sixpar [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Fourteen

Congrats on the sub-fifteen pass. The hard work is paying off. Like what you've done to the car. Have a good time in Pittsburgh.

Author:  slantzilla [ Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Congrats Greg! :D :D

I had about the same experience when I tried a 600 on my first good Slant. it was never as fast, but it did stay a lot more consistent as the night went on, and was way easier to dial. :?

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Thu Jun 21, 2007 6:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Guys!

I might Possibly Run the Sportsman as well as the Slant Class this Weekend at Pittsburgh.

Slantzilla - I would tend to agree - The 500 Is Faster on The E.T. But I seem no not have figured out the Consistent Thing. - Not good when You bracket race.

I did Have a few Back to back Runs on the 650 Carb That were Just A hundredth off - That is something I havent yet Expirenced with the 500 Cfm Fuel Mixer. I also Run a stick which makes me Have to be more reliable and conistent.


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Which stick and timing curve?

I had Been Working on setting up a 650 CFM carb - I had jetted it every which Way and It was flat on power / Response and then it would pick up on the top end.
Looks like good work... 650 cfm is not for most slant sixes, if it's a spreadbore, it'd be fine for a bigger V-8 that wants the bigger secondaries when it gets thirsty for them...square bores tend to make things kind of 'even' if the linkage is progressive. In the case of the 650 if it's a spreadbore, if it's a vacc. secondary, run a slightly heavier spring in it (got the quick change pod right?) and see if it works better for you (this will keep you from having them just 'open' and be very rich...

I had this problem with the 600 cfm Holley (square bore, but still too big for my cam and combo...), it ran best with the brown spring...

good luck, and keep the engine warmed up to keep the fuel mix from hitting the cold runners and puddling bad...

cool stuff,


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think I am going to start Haulin the Propane torchg Around to The track to heat up the plenum on sub 80* Days To help Solve the fuel Puddiling / Bogging issue. I will Just apply a bit of torch heat to the underside of the Plenum Before I go to the lanes - and I will Try to take a few Laps around the Pits too.

As Far as the 650 Carb Goes - It was a AVS - Carter - It had a manual secondary -
The Primaries and Secondaries Were About the same Size on that one - I would like to also Do some expiermentation Down the line with a thermoquad off a 318 or 340 Someday- Although I would have to do some Grinding on the intake to get it to Fit.

I kind of know what to do with the carter's So I have stayed away fom Holleys Due to that Fact.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Pittsburgh Race 6-23-07

Well I Was runner up in the Slant 6 Race at my Home Track - I attribute this to a low car count - any way it was fun, and My $10 Swap Meet Investement (a Mr. Gasket 4 BBl Holley Stub Stack) Gained me .02 in the Time of the car and 2 MPH on the top end of the track. I had to Modify it slighty to fit the carter 500 afb , but it was sure worth it!!!!!

I Installed the said Stub stack for the weekend. and I had a Previous Best Time of 14.996 From wed. Night's Test and tune 6-20-07

Here are The Et's and MPh's From the weekend,

My best was on saturday's Second Round Bye,

Where ther fastest time for the dart is now : 14.82 @ 93.11

Here is the complete Rundown of Et's and MPH:

14.873@93.17 on a 14.91 Dial - Round I
14.825@93.11 on a 14.85 Dial - Round II Bye
14.868@92.77 on a 14.79 Dial - Final Slant round
14.829@92.37 on a 14.83 Dial - Rnd I Sportsman
14.834@92.69 on a 14.80 Dial - Rnd II Sportsman

I can Safely say the car is in the 14's - A true 14 second Slant street Car with no 'Glass parts - and no lightinging Whatsoever - All throttle No Bottle!


Author:  sandy in BC [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

.........and that makes you my hero for today!

Nice work Greg.

Author:  Dart270 [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, great work, Greg! Pretty nice times for sure. I need to get a ride in that thing sometime...


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