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real life power output estimation
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Author:  1969ronnie [ Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

hi, what does that time/work of art cc at? ron

Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:39 am ]
Post subject: 


haven't cc'ed them yet. so far I have a few concerns... I guess that most of them can be solved with modern techniques.

filling is somewhat porous, I'd like to have them smoothed by adding metal with a tig or something and grinding and then polishing them chambers.

The seat surfaces on the head seems to be awful close (ex/in seat distance within each chamber)

the head has been machined for some sort of custom rocker arms assembly. All the supports are flat!

coolant passages has been drilled, I have a tapped hole between cyl#6 in/ex ports, on the valve cover side. Maybe they stuffed something there to check while they were porting?

As far as for CC is concerned, I know for fact that they didn't mill the head back then. They just added filling untill desired comp ratio was achieved. this would allow me to correct for possible warpage, (there's a little warpage, I would call it minimal since this head has seen at least 20 full year racing seasons! :shock: )

one of the intake ports has some kind of filling inside (I think it's brass welded) This may be a crack or may be a little filing to hide a tool mark... it's been there forever.

would you use this head or would you keep it as an interesting piece and build a fresh one? that's my main question right now. I'll have it boiled and sandblast all except for the exhaust ports (wich I inted to buff to a mirror finish and sandblasting would only slow me down there)

ports are pretty even and they have no valve guide protrusion or other "velocity" parts (they have a very even cross sectional area)

now 46 mm is 1.8" and 40 mm is 1.57" hows that for valve sizes? :shock:

as far as for filling out the imperfectinos on the filling material on them heads, I would think that I would need to A) cut the seats, b) install valves C) CC them chambers D) set the CC's to match my build and then and only then think about TIG fill the little pores. I might have to wait until I can mock up the short block assy, and double chck everything.

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Mike and Blaine used to mill off the rocker stands and make aluminum blocks to the right height when they were using Chevy valves with really high lift cams. It was the easy way around getting the geometry right.

I personally don't like valve sizes that big. They flow really well on a flow bench, but don't work as well in actual use.

Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Mike and Blaine used to mill off the rocker stands and make aluminum blocks to the right height when they were using Chevy valves with really high lift cams. It was the easy way around getting the geometry right.

I personally don't like valve sizes that big. They flow really well on a flow bench, but don't work as well in actual use.
I called an "old timer" racer :wink: and he sez that he used chevy valves and aftermarket rocker arm assemblies. They used the aluminium blocks gizmo so they wouldn't have to make special pushrods :roll: I don't like valves that big myself, but maybe I have some meat left there for hardened seats?

another "puzzling" thing is that valve retainers are not present. Maybe they did remove them and were using custom valve guides... not an issue since I was planning to use phosphor bronze guides anyway.

Author:  LUCKY13 [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Get her blasted and see what you have. I would not worry about welding any pits, they want hurt anything.


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