Slant Six Forum

Drums VS Discs
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Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well Dan, I'll agree to disagree with you
That's certainly fine, but I'm curious: Do you have any basis for your position? It's one thing if you can provide some sound rationale for your belief (I might learn something and/or you might convince me I'm wrong) ...quite another if it's just "is too!". :shock:

Author:  ValiantOne [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well Dan, I'll agree to disagree with you
That's certainly fine, but I'm curious: Do you have any basis for your position? It's one thing if you can provide some sound rationale for your belief (I might learn something and/or you might convince me I'm wrong) ...quite another if it's just "is too!". :shock:
I won't be drawn into a pissing match on this. There is just waaaay to much of that on the various online forums.

There are plenty of racers/series using slotted or grooved rotors out there. nascar being one of them. They see the most extreme use. They also see a benefit to their continued use. I am not going to write a treatise on what benefits, as that has already been done. Just Google it.

I'd also point back to my original post where I said, all things being considered that I was going to put factory disks on my 68 Valiant :)

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I won't be drawn into a pissing match on this.
Not the goal. I was curious to know your basis for stating that slotted/drilled rotors "are" better. Other than observing that certain race vehicles use such rotors, you don't seem to have one. So...OK, you believe what you want to believe, that's fine with me. Peace!

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