Slant Six Forum

Where to find a Holley 1920 Carburetor?
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Author:  JCAllison [ Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Always remove the distributor to work on it. No point trying to replace points or anything with it installed.
Hey Daniel,
Installed the NEW Condenser without removing the Distributor and it seemed to work as Lorrie started right up afterwards. BUT your comment about removing the Distributor makes sense. Will have to give that a try next time.
Done an electronic ignition conversion yet? HEI upgrade.
Ignition system and valve adjustment. Tune-up parts and technique suggestions in this thread.
This will happen in the near future. Right now, we're looking at getting a longer Idle Speed Adjustment Screw, figuring out why Lorrie won't go into "2" or "1", and finding out why Lorrie will go in Low Gear, Second Gear, but not into Third Gear while in "D"..

Will keep you updated on progress.

Thanks for the response and references.


Author:  JCAllison [ Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey All,
Tuesday Afternoon Update:

After pulling the Wire off of the "-" Terminal of the Ignition Coil, and checking for continuity between the "+" Terminal of the Ignition Coil and the Starter Solenoid. It turned out to be an OPEN Circuit, which is what it was hoped would be found.

Put the Wire TO the Distributor along with the Wire from the Tachometer on the "-" Terminal of the Ignition Coil.

Hooked up the Battery and Started the Engine.

It started right up.

Had installed the NEW longer Idle Speed Adjusting Screw and the Engine was idling alright. Not GREAT, but alright.

The Idle Mixture Screw was 1.5 turns out from being seated when starting to adjusting the Carburetor.

With the Engine running at about 600 RPMs in Neutral, turned the Idle Mixture Screw in a half a turn. Nothing changed. Turned it out a turn, nothing changed. Turned it out a bit more, nothing changed. Turned it back in to 1.5 turns from being seated.

There was, a no time, any change in the sound of the Engine evident caused by turning the Idle Mixture Screw.

Had hoped that hooking up the Tachometer would be of some help, but alas,
the Tachometer failed to work. It may not be hooked up properly, OR it may be toast.

Nonetheless, went ahead and brought the Idle Speed up a bit by turning the Idle Speed Adjustment Screw. Engine is now turning at about 700 RPM.

Went through the same routine with the Idle Mixture Screw, with the same non-results.

BTW, The Speedometer indicated that the Rear Wheels were turning at 10 MPH with the Transmission in Neutral.

Engine lugs down and runs rough when put into Reverse with the Brakes applied. Same way in Drive. BTW, the Shifter Mechanism not going into "2" or "1" was solved by lubricating the Shifter Mechanism.

Figured that letting the Transmission run would maybe smooth it out, so was going to just let Lorrie sit and idle for a while.

Then noticed that the Ammeter was not charging its usual 30 Amps. Looked at the Alternator just in time to see the Cooling Fan coasting to a stop.

Shut the Engine down to find a broken Fan Belt.

And on the piece of CellotTex Insulation that is under Lorrie (to keep from having to lie on the rough pavement), there is a bunch of what looked like "soot" which turned out to be rubber "dust" from the Fan Belt.

Got to looking and it appears that the Water Pump and the Crank Pulley are in pretty good alignment, but the Alternator Pulley appears to be about 1/4" further forward than the other two Pulleys.

Am going to Remove the Radiator and see what is going on with THAT!

Also, the Exhaust Manifold leaks have gotten worse.

May have to put in NEW Gaskets.

Am willing to take everything step by step to remedy everything because this is a hobby, and Lorrie is not under any kind of dead-line.

Have been working on her for two and a half years, and just enjoy doing whatever is necessary.

Have all the necessary tools to do whatever need to be done. Am determined to get her up and running if it harelips every cow in Texas. :)

Anyway, Lorrie is all heated up right now, so there's little that can be done. But she'll be Cool tomorrow, and am going to remove the Radiator to see what the deal is with the Fan Belt.

Suggestions anyone?


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