Slant Six Forum

Inexpensive effective diaphram clutch swap.
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Author:  DonPal [ Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Template Made To Scale And Flywheel marked for locations

I wanted the new PP holes centered about the existing pattern to possibly enhance the balancing effort so I made a full size template, marked the flywheel, and handed the template, your hole dimensions, Ford bolts, & the marked flywheel to the machinist who claimed no-one in the past had gone that far and it sped up his effort. Holes were counter bored to match the Ford bolts.The shop claims they balanced it but I didn't see any balancing holes added to the flywheel so I'm not so sure.

The 4.0 L diaphragm is going on my daughter's 65 because other's have already done it.

I want even less clutch pedal effort on my 65 so I'm going to try the 3.0 L Ranger 9 1/8 PP diaphragm next...hopefully it works and is adequate for my style of driving so I can keep using the 833 OD for a few more years before I'm forced into a gear vendors setup as my left leg slowly deteriorates.

Author:  Jerame_c [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Im currently not running any spring under the dash on clutch petal as the diaphragm clutch doesn't need it. (I do have one on the bellhousing) You may try experimenting with a weaker than stock spring under the dash to further reduce clutch pedal effort while avoiding the possibility of this spring causing your clutch to stick down. You could also adjust the geometry slightly to reduce how much of the travel it acts as a return spring and increase how much it acts as an assist. Just something to ponder for later.

As for the balancing I wouldn't expect to see much if any machining for balance adjustment if the flywheel was balanced to begin with. Mine had a lot of material taken out and I suspect was not in balance when I got it.

Author:  DonPal [ Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:51 am ]
Post subject: 

My machine shop had no extra work to do after putting in the clutch PP holes when it came to balancing. This suggests, but does not guarantee, that centering the holes properly maintains the factory balance?

I'll try each of the spring ideas to "tuneup" the pedal action after getting the Ranger 9 1/8 diaphragm PP in there

Currently installing the Ranger 10" on my daughter's engine before testing the rebuilt engine on the engine stand....expected install is June around availability of the car which is a moving target.

Thanks for your ideas


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  another alternative?

i wonder if this would be a viable alternative?

I have not tried one ... but it seems like the McLeod source is hard to find now.


Author:  Jerame_c [ Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

The pressure plate is right but I was unable to use the ford style clutch like comes with that kit and it seems a waste to throw it away.

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