Slant Six Forum

1966 Plymouth valiant 225 running issues.
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Author:  Danarchy [ Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

after only having a 50 year old greasy manual, I bought the Factory Service Manual on CD(for the computer). You can blow up pictures, print out only the part you need, it has been very helpful, and half the price of buying a reprint. I recently had some problems with a freshly rebuilt engine, it had a spark, but it wasn't good enough. New Coil fixed my problem, and I learned alot about timing and setting TDC.

Author:  Thecollector [ Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

there useful mostly I can find what i need offline. Ive reset timing countless times on different styles of engines. the only info i needed was the firing order and the rotor location kind of falls in place considering it should be a bit before the #1 spark plug wire. then i can adjust the timing accordingly from that base point.

Author:  wjajr [ Thu Feb 14, 2013 2:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

I’m sending you to our friend Reed for a photo of proper plug wire position on distributer cap. When viewing photo; front of engine is to right, fire wall to left. Notice that #1 wire is located at about 5 o’clock, and #1 cylinder is closest to radiator.

I suspect that someone has configured your cap & wires 180 degrees out, which will work, but to keep everyone on the same page here at /6, assemble wires and use standard firing order as I and others listed.

Author:  Thecollector [ Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

I’m sending you to our friend Reed for a photo of proper plug wire position on distributer cap. When viewing photo; front of engine is to right, fire wall to left. Notice that #1 wire is located at about 5 o’clock, and #1 cylinder is closest to radiator.

I suspect that someone has configured your cap & wires 180 degrees out, which will work, but to keep everyone on the same page here at /6, assemble wires and use standard firing order as I and others listed.

well what the link says is that it does not matter as long as the distributor is pointed to the one calender that is on its compression stroke IE top dead center. so according to that my timing is correct. i will double check to be absolutely sure. as for the coil I have yet to check to see if that is working 100%

I will get this running right just might take me a while and a few swear words haha

Author:  64ragtop [ Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

You may know this already, but the /6 distributor turns clockwise. That's fooled more than one person.



Author:  Thecollector [ Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:25 am ]
Post subject: 

yes believe it or not i actually knew that haha. thank you though.

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