Slant Six Forum

Maximum CFM question for a 3.7 Liter 225 Super Six
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Author:  bboogieart [ Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have to agree with the folks saying you are getting ahead of yourself.
I know how frustrating it can get.
After several different carbs , it still wont run right.
I am guessing the carb itself, is not your problem.
Bigger and more expensive is not the answer.
Especially since you say this is your family car
When I first started working on cars I got ripped off by a couple back yard mechanics, then a dealership. After that I figured I can do anything these guys can do.
Next I went to the library. you are lucky as you have the internet with a lot more information available.
A Chilton or Motors manual will be very beneficial.
Get back to the basics and do some diagnoses instead of throwing money away on carb set-ups.
You keep saying how fast you want to go.
You should at least get the car running right.
After that, then you go for faster.

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