Slant Six Forum

2004 Slant Six Racing Series
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Author:  Tom Drake [ Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

The guys with boxes will leave off a .500 Pro tree just the same as a Sportsman tree. You leave on the top bulb anyway.
Dennis beat me to it but he is exactly right. If you leave off the top bulb it is the same as leaving off a pro tree...release at the first sign of yellow. Main reason for crossing over is no distractions.

Maybe we could pick one race next year and have a street only class. Since these cars are the backbone of slant six racing might be nice to give them their own race kind of like the fast four is for the pro cars.

Current tag(for your home state, DOT approved tires(lets them use drag radials), no open exhaust and run it heads up on a .500 pro tree?? NOS, Superchargers, turbos all allowed, no nitro or alcohol, racing gas or pump gas ok.

What do you street guys think?? This has possibilities....


Author:  mmsc [ Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  2 brackets

That sounds great . The only problem I can forsee is that it's tuff enough to get a good purse for the Slant Six race as it is. When you have two brackets ( Bracket 1 for Race cars & Street, for street cars) you can't take away from the purse for the quick cars.
It would be great to see a Slant race for 0-12.99 and 13.00 & up 1/4 mile.

Slant Six racing is reaching new levels with each event and the cars are getting quicker and new cars being built or considered for next year.
I can forcast even more entries in the coming year.
It would be great to have a Quick 16 field with cars running from 9-12 seconds.

It's nice to see the mix with all out racers and street cars going at it but for the guys with the race packages I know they would rather race each other.
I think a street class would intice more Slant guys with pure street cars to participate.
Just my thoughts.

Author:  Ron Parker [ Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a car now that is fast enuff to run most pro races non box. Here is my radical suggestion no boxes no transbrakes and draw out of the hat who you run in the first round. Our group is almost getting to the point of speed wins how much money will you spend to win. I can afford to put in transbrake and delay boxes two steps and airshifters but don,t want to go there. The fast cars don,t want to run the street cars because they say it will heat up there converters and they don,t want to be put out by the street cars. But they don't want to race each other in the first round because they are the fastest cars and they should not have to race each other because they are the fast cars. Ie we are the best don't touch us. Talk to me folks we need something to advance our program. I want to expand our racing program and your input will be apprecitated. thanks Possum Parker. Ps this is my own opinion

help me bagel my butt is on the line

Author:  Tom Drake [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 4:22 am ]
Post subject: 

The only problem I can forsee is that it's tuff enough to get a good purse for the Slant Six race as it is.
I agree. I think that for the time being we have to resign ourselves to one class. Once or if we start drawing 40+ cars to each race then two classes are definetly an option. Trying to hold one street legal class race a year would give theses guys a chance to have a little extra fun and showcase them for once. Getting a purse up for one race would not be as difficult as getting up 9 extra purses a year.

As for the all out race guys wanting to race each other, all I can say is I dont care who I run. 20 sec street car or 9 sec arrow :D . I just crossover and count a certain number of seconds before stalling it up. Works pretty good.


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I agree with tom. I quit racing, back in the mid 80's, because I am a foot brake racer and didn't want to run against the box cars. But when I heard about the "slant six" series, I thought it was such a neet deal, I was willing to run against the box cars, untill we get enough car count to justify more classes. In my opinion, it's kind of a toss up. The box cars are mostly faster,and higher teck, but more prone to breakage, or something going wrong. The foot brake cars in general, seem to be slower, and a little more reliable. I have not won a race YET, but have won some rounds, and had fun. I did make it into the final round at Brainard last year, against Ron Parker. If I remember corectly, all four cars in the semi final, were foot brake cars.
So the fast, box cars don't want to run the slower cars. And the slower footbrake cars, don't want to run the box cars. Looks like we both compromise.

Author:  Slant Cecil [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Since I haven't made a race yet, I know my comments may not count. The reason I decided to start another drag car project was going back to footbrake racing, the lower cost and uniqueness of running a slant six and making a few races in the Slant Six Racing Series. I didn't know for awhile boxes were allowed in the SSRS. I know there is an advantage to them. It makes it harder to tow over 500 miles plus to a race and know you may have to run several box cars. This is not an incentive to get the non box cars to come.
Maybe have two eliminators, box and non box, with the winners meeting for the final. The incentive for the box cars is, since they are fewer in #, less rounds. Problem would be how to give out points for round wins for the Championship.
Or, how about no boxes allowed? This would be better than keeping the box and non box seperate till the late rounds, the fast cars would not have to face each other in the early rounds. This would be simple. The hard part would be getting the racers to unplug their box and giving up the advantage. Different Divisions and tracks have different rules on two-steps and throttle staging controlers being legal in non electronic classes, let them be allowed in the SSRS but yank the plug on the boxes.
I'm not sure about the 10.90 plan. I think it would be more fun for the racers. The spectators may not like it as much. Even though the SC and SG racers love it, many race fans agree NHRA SC is the most boring class followed by SG. If the idea is a better race for the racers, I like it. If the plan is for more spectator interest, the Fast Four may be more exciting.

Hope to be a Slant Six Racer someday,

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:43 am ]
Post subject: 

I like part of Ron P's idea - just draw out of a hat for the 1st round. This would at least eliminate the repeated pairings in the first round, or all the box cars running all the no-box cars in the first round.

We definitely cannot afford two classes at this point, and I am happy to participate in a single catch-all class.

I would also be in favor of disallowing boxes and t-brakes, but I am a small player and I don't want to discourage the bigtime racers like Charles, Ron H, Coxes, Mike J, Dale... These guys really advance the sport and I don't want to discourage them in ANY way. :D

Personally, running a box seems a little less like racing to me, but that's my narrow view. Without a box, you're driving skill factors in twice, at the launch and the big end, instead of just at the big end. OK, start throwing the punches... :?

The reason I was saying sorry to you, Charlie, is that a street car has exhaust past the header and street tires, but I don't doubt it's easy for you to swap those on. :)


Author:  Tom Drake [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 9:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Good points and I will play devils advocate here. Why not install a delay box in your footbrake car for slant six races? Simple to do just put it on a plug and take it out for the footbrake class.

I think we are stuck running both type against each other until the car counts rise. Trying to minimize their pairings would go a long way towards attracting others and making it fairer.

What about awarding the footbraker 15 points for every box car he takes out instead of the normal 10 points per round win? :shock:


Author:  GunPilot [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 9:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Nothing could be more discouraging to the first time racer than to have to race R.Hamby or D. Rose in the first round.(Both good racers) How many races do you think they would attend if this happened every time?
Or Mike Jeffrey.


Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 9:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I kinda like that higher points thing, but 11-12 points might be better.

Doesn't Rodney still run w/o a box? If he got 15pts for every box car he took out, he would be far in the lead this year and likely untouchable. As it is, he is still in the top 3, right?


Author:  Will [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I dont use a box. But I will not let go of my trans brake. There was I time when I said I would never have a trans I have one and love it.......................What page are those boxes on in the Jegs catalog????????????????


Author:  slantzilla [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

I dont use a box. But I will not let go of my trans brake. There was I time when I said I would never have a trans I have one and love it.......................What page are those boxes on in the Jegs catalog????????????????

Will :twisted:

If you ever pay real close attention to Rodney, he usually doesn't kill the tree, but his car is deadly consistent. :shock:

Ron Hamby on the other hand will lay a .50X on you any day of the week. :(

Bottom line is that whether you use a box or not, it still takes major cojones to go in and set up for a .50X light every time. :wink:

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Thu Sep 04, 2003 9:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nothing could be more discouraging to the first time racer than to have to race R.Hamby or D. Rose in the first round.(Both good racers) How many races do you think they would attend if this happened every time?
Or Mike Jeffrey.
So GP, does this mean you won't give Slant racing another try at Las Vages in 2004?? :? :wink:

Author:  Tom Drake [ Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

What do you guys think of having a challenge race against another class?

Some Shows have Dakota?Durango classes, Maxi Wedge class..etc. What about having a challenge race against them?


Author:  Pierre [ Mon Sep 08, 2003 4:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Reward the slowest car, just for kicks ;)

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