Slant Six Forum

Silver Dollar - Memorial Day weekend
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Author:  Dart270 [ Fri May 28, 2004 6:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Bummer guys. You'll all be missed at Bristol. Hope things resolve OK for you, Cecil, and the Reynolds thing is fun.


Author:  Rob Simmons [ Wed Jun 09, 2004 9:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Sorry so late, not much time here...

We had three racers at Reynolds. Charlie, "Dennis Weaver", and a local guy Matthew.

I'll try to find some time later to post times, etc...

Matthew won the $100 purse by beating Charlie in a double breakout. A 21.__ to a 14.__.

I'll get my notes and add more if I can. Sorry to hear about the Drake's Simca.

Hope all are well. Very busy here in Alexandria for school...


Author:  Rob Simmons [ Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Silver Dollar Results

Okay, Angie and the kids are at the pool and I'm doing "homework". There are 33 of us sharing 3-4 computers between classes, so there isn't much computer time these days. I broke down and decided to pay through the nose for hotel internet access for a couple days...

Here's the Silver Dollar Results:

We had three racers sign up for the Slant 6 Race on Saturday.

Charlie Schmid in his '66 "Charlie's Angel" Barracuda running a 170 with nitrous this time.

Eric Buckley in his '70 Duster with a 225.

Matthew Kersey from nearby Macon in his "Bone Stock" '70 Duster with 225.

The GodsRods Duster got towed down there only to find 4 bent/broken pushrods from the previous weekend. Long story,... yes I'm an idiot...

Bill Elder didn't want to race with us, but made one "show car" pass in his '73? Dart and ran a 20.17

Round 1: Matthew had the Bi run and went 21.81 on his 21.60 dial-in. He let off so he wouldn't break out. He knows better now.

Charlie beat Eric in a double breakout. Charlie's 14.07 on a 14.10 to Eric's 15.58 on a 16.0. Eric predicted he'd do that too.

Round 2 pitted the newcomer in his "Bone Stock" daily driver against the veteran in his tried and true "Angel"

Another double breakout: Charlie was on the brakes hard and still ran a 14.35 on a 14.42 dial and Matthew ran a 21.55 on his 21.60 dial-in.

Matthew was there with his whole family and received $100 to many cheers and applause.

Lawrence Roundtree from the Moparts Connection was very helpful and receptive. He even kicked in half of the purse. He would love to have the Slant 6ers add a race to the program next year and he said he would even bring some Slant 6 pushrods next year :D :roll:

I'll be "out of the net" for awhile. I hope you all have a great season. God Bless!


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