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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 6:20 pm 
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No :-(

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 6:29 pm 
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I must have missed something here. Are the NGK UR4, and theUR4GP's for the tube heads or the peanut style heads?

I am looking to buy a few different plugs to try on the dyno. Does any one have a list of plugs that they would like me to compair?
I have a tube head. 10.4 CR 240 duration @ 50 518 lift

67Cuda,FAST EZEFI,340cu,CR=10.25,RollerCam&Rocker (XR268HR,#20-810-9)(#1622-16)(EddyRPM#60779,#7576), (MSD6AL,#6425) A904, GearVendorsOD, 8 1/4,3.55:1, ClassicAir

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 7:32 pm 
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They are for the peanut plug heads, no hemi tubes for a clean machine!

Aggressive Ted ... %20Swinger

74 Swinger, 9.5 comp 254/.435 lift cam, 904, ram air, electric fans, 2.5" HP2 & FM70 ex, 1920 Holley#56jet, 2.76 8 3/4 Sure-Grip, 26" tires, 25+MPG

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:05 pm 
Turbo EFI
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They are for the peanut plug heads, no hemi tubes for a clean machine!
Might as well toss in some of those crappy Champions.

BTW there is a guy on Moparts that sells wires that everyone has picked up a few ponies with!

"Fyrewires" Look stock and kick butt!

'72 Duster 198 stock cam, 3:23's Hookers on jack stands for 8 years in the driveway
'79 Maxivan 360 Offy Qjet Comp RV cam/rusting in the driveway.
93 D350 160HP Cummins Auto :-( Dually Clubcab needs a injector pump
2005 Golden Couch Buick

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:08 pm 
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I ain't sayin' it ain't so; but I'm skeptical.

David Kight
'62 Valiant Signet, White
'98 Dodge Dakota
'06 Jeep Liberty

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 9:33 pm 
Turbo EFI
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I ain't sayin' it ain't so; but I'm skeptical.
Check in the product announcement forum.

'72 Duster 198 stock cam, 3:23's Hookers on jack stands for 8 years in the driveway
'79 Maxivan 360 Offy Qjet Comp RV cam/rusting in the driveway.
93 D350 160HP Cummins Auto :-( Dually Clubcab needs a injector pump
2005 Golden Couch Buick

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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 5:48 am 
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I see what they're saying, but that doesn't make it so. I would want to see some back to back dyno runs with nothing else changed and performed by an independent tester. I've no doubt that the wires are good but I'm still skeptical that they will ive up to the hype.

David Kight
'62 Valiant Signet, White
'98 Dodge Dakota
'06 Jeep Liberty

Growing older is unavoidable but growing up is strictly optional.

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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 9:19 am 
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Dakight's right. The only way you pick up power with new spark plug wires is when your old spark plug wires have deteriorated to the point they no longer carry all the electricity to the spark plug. Really good spark plug wire tech talk, without overblown hype, at Magnecor's site.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 9:31 am 
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BTW there is a guy on Moparts that sells wires that everyone has picked up a few ponies with!
Great, so then there ought to be a bunch of dyno sheets showing these extra ponies...right? :lol: A great Slant-6er many years ago said there are many different kinds of horsepower. There's flywheel horsepower, rear wheel horsepower, and hot air horsepower; Chevies mostly have that last kind, but it's also found in varying quantities in the product claims made for magic spark plugs and wires, Slick-50 and other oil additives and "engine treatments", ricer air cleaners, etc.
Geeze, the makers can't even spell correctly, and I'm supposed to believe they can make a spark plug wire? :twisted:

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:27 am 
TBI Slant 6
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Well I think 'Firewire' is trademarked. But I agree in that it sounds more like a hazard than a feature.

The Old Goat '83 D150 225-2

AKA Ice Titan

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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:40 am 
Turbo EFI
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I've heard (from a reliably paranoid source) that factory original wires are better than off the shelf dealer replacements. :shock:

I used to have Jacobs on my van. I had the entire Prostreet system. Awesome when it worked!

I've just got a set of Accell Super Stocks on my Duster now.

'72 Duster 198 stock cam, 3:23's Hookers on jack stands for 8 years in the driveway
'79 Maxivan 360 Offy Qjet Comp RV cam/rusting in the driveway.
93 D350 160HP Cummins Auto :-( Dually Clubcab needs a injector pump
2005 Golden Couch Buick

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PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2007 12:12 pm 
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Well I think 'Firewire' is trademarked. But I agree in that it sounds more like a hazard than a feature.
Oh, I donno, I think it'd be kinda cool to be able to plug a hard disk drive into my car's ignition system! :twisted:
I used to have Jacobs on my van. I had the entire Prostreet system. Awesome when it worked!
That is a very apt description of Jacobs' stuff: When it works, it works. Problem is, when it don't, it...don't! :shock:

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


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PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:57 am 
3 Deuce Weber
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Well after a self imposed "cooling off" period I've decided to check back in and see the aftermath. Apparently the consensus is that "things on my part" became personal. I'll be up front and say I'm sorry if that is how it appears. I certainly have no business doing that, it was'nt my intention...stepping back and looking at it, perhaps it got that way. But I really think in all my posts I was being as respectful and complimentary as I could be all the while, recognizing a persons credibility etc. Oh well, won't be the first time I've steped in it!

Just for kicks, lets just say I live out in the sticks, there's no such thing as a dyno, or any sort of data logging equipment anywhere nearby. Nor the money or time to partake in such scientific activities. Out here (and I'm not talking living in the stone ages under a rock somewhere!) we do things the old fashioned way. We still hold personal experiences, seat of the pants tuning, and years of knowledge in high regard. And that way has worked for years and years.....developed thru time.......learned from doing......trial and name it. One develops a good understanding of how things work, whether they work or I need to continue?, it's pretty basic stuff really. I'm not a graduate of any college, any university, nor taken any particular courses (other than H.S. auto!) in regards to theory. I've learned and built my 25+ years of knowledge the aforementioned I'm sure many others have.

I know that in years past that was good enough (for most, hell, it was all we had).....but as time goes on, more and more technology has come along....and more "tools" to help us......more definate answers and reasons for those answers...again, basic stuff.

So some adhere to the science of things, and nothing else is acceptable.
Others adhere to old fashioned ways.....and even though it's very hard to prove anything without numbers and data, you can still grab someone by the ear and show them......."look, see, feel, smell........there! See what I've been trying to tell you?"...that's what I'm talking about here.
Yes, you will never win a debate with the college grad or other scientific what-have-you....but if the intent is not about winning a debate, but rather showing/telling somebody something does something or not, that is good enough for this bumpkin.

Maybe I've come off as trying to win some so called debate here. Not at all. I asked whether anyone has used them on a slant and what did they find. All I got was one person responding......and that was a definate no-go as far as I could tell. And a pretty powerful one at the point that I felt that they were too enthusiastic about the results.....from what I gathered I felt there was some underlying bias towards the subject. Why?
Because this is'nt the first time things like this have occured.....either involving a topic I engage in or others have engaged in. You get the average Joes, the shade trees, the theorists, the hands on gurus......and you begin to be able to size them up...see where they're coming read between the lines on all of what they say. And take it all in...process it and go on about business. If they would have just said that on two vehicles on such and such dyno, using this or that data logging whatever system......and stated what his findings were, that was all that was really required. When I see someone that jumps all over a topic (especially this one) and strongly says nope, won't work, no good, won't see anything.......
a red flag goes up and I want to sniff around more! I usually can smell unfounded bias.....but that's not always the case.

There's one or two ways to process it all then. One man.... two vehicles... says something won't make a difference, or lets say that it does. Has all the data in the world...lives and dies by said data. Fine, great, that's all need be said. End of topic, over. Why go on? No need for anyone else to bother further. Why was I being so foolish to doubt or need more input?

Or, you can get as many different perspectives....from the data loggers, the shade trees.......on various vehicles, under a variety of conditions...a diverse group of subjects. Take it all in, and make a very educated decision.....

I already have noted what someone has said, and have repeatedly asked if anyone else has experiences with the plugs. Apparently no one here has.......Very peculiar I have to say. What, did you all read what one person had to say about them and decided that that was good enough for you? Or perhaps you never gave it thought? That's ok, the price of them is a turn off and marketing being what it can be....That's why I have'nt invested in them yet......

Mind you, I was only looking for as much input from any and all. I was bored and wanted to see if anyone had some input....and perhaps make a decision based on that, whoever they be, no matter how much or how they got their opinion. Not getting it here.

So the only thing to do is to just go out and buy them.....install them.....spend time discerning.....studying any results.... and make my own mind up based on my experiences. That's all I was looking for in the first place, not engaging in what has ultimately transpired here. Being that I've had good results in motorcycles is why I'm so interested in how they may perform in an auto engine...

My mistake in the first place was asking for opinions from others. I now see I should have just bought the damn things and been done with it... oh well. I've done it in the past....I never learn.

So in closing, I apologize to any and all here. This is a great site, too bad I went off on the wrong track. Should just kept me mouth shut....and just read the posts and enjoy. At least now everyone knows the credibility of my opinions. Not good enough for some, perhaps so for others. Sorry to have been so long here. Hope it was at least a little entertaining in some way!! :oops:

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PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 8:25 am 
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When I see someone that jumps all over a topic (especially this one) and strongly says nope, won't work, no good
Dude, nobody said your favourite plugs don't work.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


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PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 11:39 am 
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I have a 78 peanut plug head on my 74 block, no drool tubes. I haven't tried any plugs quite that fancy, however I did buy some NGK UR4GP extended tip plugs and really like them allot. They cost $3.25 each. The electrode is a very fine diameter wire and the tip (including the porclean body) is extended quite a bit. I gapped them at .040 and they run from white to a light cinnamon color. My engine never misses a beat and is very punchy. You can bust the wheels loose if your not careful. These are the best plugs I have run so far.

If you want to do some comparison testing which plugs would you like to try?

Aggressive Ted ... %20Swinger

74 Swinger, 9.5 comp 254/.435 lift cam, 904, ram air, electric fans, 2.5" HP2 & FM70 ex, 1920 Holley#56jet, 2.76 8 3/4 Sure-Grip, 26" tires, 25+MPG

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