Slant Six Forum

cold air intake questions
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Author:  Karasik87 [ Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

word up on the transmission.

Author:  Ron Parker [ Sat Nov 08, 2008 6:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ted that looks good to me . Push cool air thru and make sure it can go out the back. Thanks Ron Parker :D

Any More Bees Want To Get Smoked

Author:  powerwagonpaul [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  cold ram air

i know that this is an old thread, but its new to me :)
Ron Parker, have you shared any of this data you have? if so where can i find it?

Author:  itlldo1 [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

On my 78 1/2 ton w freshly rebuilt /6 I installed the corrugated hose and tube assembly from a later model dodge p'up. This fits over the intake snout of the filter housing. The hose connects to a an injection molded tube assembly runs under the battery support to just behind the grill. And follows the counter of the driver's side inner fender. Not sure about any gains in efficiency or mileage since I've only put 400 miles on it since the rebuild, but I know she's getting ambient temperature air for the most part. Mike

Author:  rosspulliam [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

I did some research on this using my F250 (which has a built in Air Intake temp probe that I can move around) and my computer and found that as long as I was moving about 20 mph, no matter whereI stuck that probe it was almost always within a few degrees of ambient.

I started the research because I wanted to get excellent filtration but improve flow, and the only way to do that was with more filter area to pass more air. I had to remove the factory battery/intake box and would go from sucking air snorkeled from the front of the motor to sucking under hood air.

It really just doesn't make any difference. Any time I'll need the air (over 20 mph) it'll be just as cool as pulling it from in front of the engine bay.

Cold air feeds from the front of the motor just aren't that big of a deal. Now if you want to talk ramming air into the motor, you may be able to find some reason to do something like this. On my turbo'd diesel motor I don't have to worry about that, the turbo pushes the air into the motor for me. Strictly from a temperature standpoint, I say don't waste your time.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Ram air mod

On a SL6 it really helps the mileage. The manifold runs so hot.......causing bad heat soak after shut off or in bad stop and go traffic on a freeway were under the hood temps can climb. Cooler air at idle and ram air at speed helps keep the engine running smooth and strong. Pulling from the front of the grill or hood is just a better source for air.

It is also a very simple and inexpensive upgrade. $5 for the RV fitting and less than $10 for the hose.

Author:  SV162 [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Has anyone here played around with cold air from the plenum area. Something like this.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not interested in cowl induction on a street car...don't fancy smelling fuel vapours all the time inside the car.

Author:  SV162 [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not interested in cowl induction on a street car...don't fancy smelling fuel vapours all the time inside the car.
Good point Dan.
What if you sealed up the fresh air vents real well. I personally don't use those vents, I don't remember the last time I opened them.
Here's a setup on an EFI Slant, the owner said he never smells fuel. May be a different story with a carburetor. ... hp?id=3984

Author:  madmax/6 [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I personally think its a waste of time, money, and energy,on a street driven car.....I picked up a 10th at the strip with my set up.Dont even think that if its good for the strip its good ,or will help on a street car.Two completly different animals .MY OPINION,Guzzi Mark

Author:  1974duster kev [ Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

i just welded up a giant egg shape ram air that seals to the hood (odd shape because hood scoop hole is center and carb is off center in the compartment). I put on one of those triangle shaped eldebrok air filters to suck righ tfrom the hood scoop hole and picked up 2 tenths and 2 mph roughly. That finally got me into the 9's when i was stuck at 10.1 before gears and other mods


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:35 am ]
Post subject: 

What if you sealed up the fresh air vents real well. I personally don't use those vents, I don't remember the last time I opened them.
Ah, see, I use mine all the time.
Here's a setup on an EFI Slant, the owner said he never smells fuel. May be a different story with a carburetor. ... hp?id=3984
Would like to see it, but clicking the link results in "You are not authorised".

Author:  SV162 [ Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here you go, a very simple setup. Easy to do in an early Valiant.


Author:  powerwagonpaul [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:46 am ]
Post subject: 

i know since installing ram air on my valiant, i have enjoyed better throttle response, and more power overall. i like it. :D pics of my setup are in the gallery section (thanks dan). it is pretty clean.
i want to get a cheap boost/vacuum gauge and plumb it into the air cleaner housing and see what kind of readings i get. it will be interesting to see if it generates any positive air pressure. i will post results when i get them.

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