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SL6 Heater question |
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Author: | Aggressive Ted [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Testing heater output temps |
Now that the snow has gone and we are in the 40's I am seeing cabin temps up to 98 degrees now on a standard outdoor thermometer. The vents are blowing 100+ degree heat. When we are in the 20's it will only get up to 70 in the cabin in the first 1/2 hour. After a 1/2 hour drive it will creep on up the more I drive it. In Eastern Washington it feels much warmer, however over hear in the Puget Sound it is very damp, near 90% humidity and it feels much colder. |
Author: | wjajr [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:25 pm ] |
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Ted, This may interest you: This morning we had to make a run to Bangor in the 300 C, temperature was a toasty -1 to 3 degrees F. The unheated garage we keep the car in was at 18 F degrees when we left before sun rise. I drove about 15 miles at 50 to 60 mph before the Hemi reached 179 deg. F. The car has a digital engine temperature read out so it is easy to read. The heater did not blow nice hot air for the first 7 miles, but the electrically heated seats made up for the lack of cabin BTU's... |
Author: | SlantSixDan [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:26 pm ] |
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Yesterday we went out for dinner. It was bloody cold, cold enough that saltwater was freezing on street corners. Figure 20 below or so, and there was wind. I'd driven home from the office, so the car started out reasonably warm from the underground parkade, but we parked outside for dinner. Spent three hours eating and talking with friends, and when we got back to the car it was all the way cold. Temperature-gauge-doesn't-move-when-ignition-switched-on cold. Breath-doesn't-just-condense-on-the-windshield,-it-freezes-there" cold. "Wow, I didn't realise the fast-idle cam has a step quite that high" cold. Creaks-and-rattles-that-don't-exist-above-freezing cold. Teeth-won't-quit-chattering cold. It was cold! We were 5½ kilometres from home. By the time we'd gone about 1½ km, the heater was already blowing warmish air. Another klick and it was warm. Another and it was good and warm; I knocked the fan back from high to low. One more and I backed off the temp slider. In short: If your engine and/or heater aren't warming up, it's not because you have a slant-6 engine. It's because something is the matter. |
Author: | MiDi [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:00 pm ] |
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i have heat and i mean enough heat to cook your face off after 2 mins. i mean open a window and shut off the fan i'm gonna die it hot heat. ask anyone that has been my my dart. i do have a new blower motor and a new heater core, and its so nice to have good heat! i did have a heat problem with my 73, i opened up the heater box expecting to replace the heater core, what i found was 30 years of debires. leaves, pine needles and misc crap. after i cleaned it out i had heat. give cleaning out your heater box a try .. it's free |
Author: | wjajr [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:18 am ] |
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Me quoating my self: Quote: I drove about 15 miles at 50 to 60 mph before the Hemi reached 179 deg. F. The car has a digital engine temperature read out so it is easy to read.
The Oops What a Dope Amendment Department:There are two things that I don't cope well with: firstly, early morning sans coffee; and hieroglyphics (don't ask my wife or she would add another hundred or so more to the list). The digital engine temperature reading I was so intently watching for ten miles before sun-up has turned out to be the engine oil temperature. This was confirmed this morning after six cups of coffee. Is it too much to have two words on the "Read Out" that say: Oil Temp.? Hell's bells, the damn car can identify comedians, and names of songs spelled out in English that are playing on the radio, but has stupid icons depicting operational conditions of the engine. Little tea pots with bulb thermometers for oil temp... Two little LED's showing the heated seats are activated instead of an ass parked in a frying pan with flames under it, what gives here. But, over in the lower right hand corner of the gage cluster there is a nice plane old analog swinging needle temperature gage labeled H & C. I don't get it. When one changes units dose the analog temperature gage read in metric, than English also? Back to the maeculpa; the 300's coolant warmed up with in a few miles, however the individual thermostatically activated climate controls always hold off until conditions are met to blow nice hot air. This is rather frustrating while one's feet turn black from frost bite as this unseen black magic takes place. Ted, If our roads were not snow covered, impregnated with salt & sand, I would take the Dart out for a heater performance data gathering mission just for the fun of it all. ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Eric W [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:55 am ] |
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Heated seats are nice...a friend has them in his 350Z. Just don't, uh, break wind on them with the heat on.... ![]() |
Author: | wjajr [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:44 am ] |
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Eric W: Quote: a friend has them in his 350Z. Just don't, uh, break wind on them with the heat on....
Do Nippon based auto manufacturers heat their seats with an open flame? By utilizing electrical energy to heat seats, the explosion danger is greatly reduced.
Author: | Eric W [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:59 am ] |
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![]() ![]() |
Author: | wjajr [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:32 pm ] |
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Quote: Nevermind
Author: | Aggressive Ted [ Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:22 am ] |
Post subject: | Heater perforamnce data gathering mission |
wjajr, The past two weeks we have had freezing fog, inside the car is shows 20 degrees before start up. After a half hour drive between 40 and 50 mph the vents are putting out a steady 80 degree heat. Not blistering heat, but just warm. The engine and radiator show 190 degrees on the money. On the trips home at 35 to 40 degree temps it seems to put out plenty of heat after a 1 1/2 hour drive. So I am wondering if my heater core is faulty. It is the second core I have tried in two years. The half inch side is hooked to the outlet on the head and the 5/8 line returns to the water pump. I have my lines routed over the top of the engine to help keep them warm, not over the fender. Inside my radiator it still shines bright like new. I am still amazed at my two 440 cars, they put out blistering heat in about 10 minutes. One is a 69 Chrysler 300 and the other is a 72 Imperial. |
Author: | bbbbbb9 [ Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:27 am ] |
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It was in the upper 70s this past weekend here ![]() |
Author: | wjajr [ Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:27 am ] |
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Ted, I seems to me that the hot water in the block ain't getting to the other side of the fire wall. Rx: Systematically test for flow between water pump and block via heater core. Try short circuiting the heater return to the radiator fill neck, and clamping off the return side with a little length of hose, to check for flow. If you get coolant flow you now know the core is getting hot water, and hoses are passing water. This leaves the return nipple suspect for blockage. Check condition of hose ends where they attach to the steel nipples, and are not damaged. If no flow: Next gently run water through the heater core from the engine compartment to see if it is flowing. Don't exceed 17 psi, or you may pop the heater core. if there is good flow, the nipples from pump & head may be blocked with some crud. If the flow is good, than the dreaded heater box needs to be autopsied, check for flaps opening & closing 100%, proper seals are in place, and cable controls fully articulating the flap doors. Years ago when I had my first 67' Dart, powered by a 273, the water pump started making a tinkling- rattle like sound. Long story short, MOPAR's plastic pump impeller self destructed, and little chunks of it were thrashing around inside the pump. |
Author: | Aggressive Ted [ Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:43 pm ] |
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wjajr, Got great flow, new pump, new hoses new core, new radiator, new 16 pound cap, new antifreeze mixed 50/50 and even a new bronze nipple in the head. Not sure what the new heater core looks like inside though.........that is the only variable. |
Author: | wjajr [ Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:38 pm ] |
Post subject: | White Flag!!!! |
I give up on the hydronic heat system puzzle. If everything is performing as you say, it should be making copious amounts of heat, you must be missing something. Red Green Department: However, perhaps you could install an inverter to supply alternating electrons to a household resistance heater hung from the rear view mirror. Aim it to the windshield for defrost, or the back seat for cabin heat. Hey just think, that would make it "A" trendy hybrid. Kool... |
Author: | sandy in BC [ Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:29 pm ] |
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I guess its time to fix the air mixing door...... |
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