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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:47 pm 
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For anyone who has never seen the Lancer, you are in for a treat. :D

Official Cookie and Mater Tormentor.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:57 pm 
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Agreed... One of the most impressive Slant 6 racecars ever produced - top 10 at least.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:00 am 
Turbo EFI
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Was at the Nashville show yesterday. Some people were talking about an all Mopar race next weekend in Crossville?

'72 Duster 198 stock cam, 3:23's Hookers on jack stands for 8 years in the driveway
'79 Maxivan 360 Offy Qjet Comp RV cam/rusting in the driveway.
93 D350 160HP Cummins Auto :-( Dually Clubcab needs a injector pump
2005 Golden Couch Buick

PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 4:12 pm 
EFI Slant 6
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my son and i had a great time on saturday, his first time at a drag race. he loved seeing all of the slant 6 cars and trucks. it was great meeting everyone. good people. great hospitality. here are a couple photos, the rest are at, ... ity%202013

DT's sharp 83

another treat for sure

my son, kyle, has more pics and some video on his phone, i will add them when i get them.

looking forward to next year.

andy 8)

84 D100 /6 long rod 225
86 D100 /6 my sons w/offy intake/weber carb
2016 buick regal turbo

 Post subject: clay city
PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:26 pm 
3 Deuce Weber

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We are anxious to hear WHO WON the races?? :lol:
Next week end will be the final races for Killer Bees.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:30 pm 

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photos from Saturday and Sunday at Clay City,
thanks to WV and Ryans friend Andrew for shooting these ... 032253374/

(I am not a fan of the new flickr,, but getting used to working it, in the menu bar, along the right side there is small rectangle with a 90 degree angle on the upper right, that gets you to a slide show view of the photos)

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:37 pm 

Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:48 pm
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Agreed... One of the most impressive Slant 6 racecars ever produced - top 10 at least.
guess what car I drew to run against in my 1st ever slant six drag race,
For anyone who has never seen the Lancer, you are in for a treat.
I saw the Lancer fly by me doing about 120 while I was creeping up on 60,, :) ...

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:20 am 
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I am gonna go out on a limb and say Rodney won.

Did Wookie race Mater's car?

How did the truck run John?

Official Cookie and Mater Tormentor.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:38 am 
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I spoke to Ryan at 10:00PM EST on aturday night and they were just running the semi's of their first race. They were supposed to be running two races Saturday. Obviously Ryan's big truck broke a rear yoke, Ron Hamby broke, and Greg Ondayko's car broke. Not sure what happend to their cars. I think they had 9 cars line up. I believe Ryan said that Ron Hamby may have driven Rob's car? From the pics I too would guess that Rodney won!!! :lol: :lol:

I'm sure that Rob will give a full report soon!


2 Mopars come with Spark plug tubes. One is a world class, racing machine. The other is a 426 CI. boat anchor!
12.70 @ 104.6

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:18 am 
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We ran both races Saturday and again on Sunday. Saturday ran much slower than years past. We finished the Knoxville make up race at around 12:25 that night.

Clay City Saturday - Lukus Bruner won

Knoxville Make Up - Rodney Hargis won

Clay City Sunday - Rodney Hargis won

Ron Hamby blew an engine. He said the cylinder sleeves were allowing lots of water into the cylinders. He's developing a plan for repair.

Greg Ondayko didn't have oil pressure, so he loaded back up.

Ryan launched on his first time trial and snapped the new rear u-joint along with the differential yoke. The crack in the yoke had rust in it, so it had been cracked for awhile.

Gary Bruner had a bolt snap on his water pump motor, but he fixed it easily.

Brian Mimken had an ignition switch issue, but he thrashed and fixed that for the race as well.

Here are the ladders (I'll update the Championship points thread later):

Clay City Saturday:

Round One:

Lukus Bruner ('62 Valiant "Half Hemi" - 15.33) - Win
Gary Bruner ('64 Valiant "Desperado" - 12.56) Redlight

Rusty Heisten ('62 Team Green Lancer - 11.13) - Win
John Metelko ('87 D100 - 23.26)

Rodney Hargis ('62 Lancer "Grasshopper" - 14.02) - Win
Brian Mimken ('74 Duster "Sixy Beast" - 16.??)

Meril Bruner ('80 D50 "Funny Truck" - 15.13) - Win
Sam Daugherty ('65 Barracuda - 17.57)

Ron Hamby ('73 Duster "GodsRods Duster II" - 14.26) - Bye

Round 2:

Lukus (15.52) - Win
Rusty (11.26)

Rodney (13.15) - Bye

Meril (14.49) - Win
Ron (14.19)

Round 3:

Lukus (15.52) - Bye

Meril (14.42) - Win
Rodney (13.09)


Lukus (15.18 on a 15.16 Dial) - Win
Meril (14.31 on a 14.41 Dial) - Broke Out

Then we had the long awaited grudge match that has been brewing since back in 1992-3

Here's the story (told by Meril and confirmed by Mark Goodman)

Back in 1992 Meril put a whoopin' on Mark at Columbus, OH.

So, over the winter Mark built a better engine and they met again at Indianapolis in 1993.

Mark did run faster than Meril (12.76 to Meril's 12.79), but Meril cut the better light and won the race.

Mark and Meril have kept in touch over the last 20 years and kept each other up on what they've been up to.

Now that Mark has the Lancer out of moth balls he decided to once again try to beat the "Old Fox".

This was obviously not going to be a heads up race with the Lancer running a 10.99 and the Funny Truck running in the 14's...

It was pretty late at this point (around 10 pm) and it's pretty dark on that narrow return road at Clay City, so they opted to run an 1/8th mile grudge match.

Mark dialed a 7.05 to Meril's 8.94

Meril took off with a .071 reaction time

Mark took off almost two seconds later with... a .147 light...

Meril won again with his 8.957 to Mark's once again faster, but slowing 8.502..

Unfortunately, Mark broke something in the driveline on that run. The starting line guy handed me what he thought was a broken wheel stud, but it wasn't a wheel stud... :shock: :(

Hopefully Mark will update us on what actually broke. He and Rusty loaded up for their 11 hour drive home on Sunday.

I've wanted to see Mark's Lancer in person for many years. It's as awesome as I had hoped and had many people gathered around it. Especially after Rusty ripped off that 10.99! :wink:

Here's the Knoxville Make Up Race:

Round 1:

Rodney (13.32) - Win
Sam (17.68 )

Ron (14.30) - Win
Gary (12.66) - Red Light

Brian (15.95) - Win
Rusty (Broke)

Meril (14.39) - Win
John (23.03) - Red Light

Lukus (15.28 ) - Bye

Round 2:

Rodney (13.06 on a 13.10 Dial) - Win
Ron (14.19 on a 14.29 Dial)

Brian (15.99) - Bye

Meril (14.35 on a 14.37 Dial) - Win
Lukus (15.23 on a 15.28 Dial)

Round 3:

Rodney (13.08 ) - Bye

Brian (15.92 on a 15.99 Dial) - Win
Meril (14.27 on a 14.35 Dial)


Rodney (13.07 on a 13.04 Dial) - Win
Brian (15.85 on a 15.92 Dial)

With Mark and Rusty's departure Saturday night, we were down to 8 cars for Sunday.

I was hoping maybe Nick Stavale or Mark Charapich might show up and get us back up to 9 cars for another 40 point race, but it wasn't to be.

Here's the Sunday ladder:

Round 1:

Rodney (13.05) - Win
Lukus (15.21)

Meril (14.40) - Win
John (Had to hit the road after time trials)

Brian (16.20?) - Win
Gary (12.57) - Red Light

Sam (17.43) - Win
Rob Venable (14.41)

Rob is Wayne's brother and towed GodsRods Duster II behind his K5 Blazer with a 250 inline 6. Rob also entered the Super ET class for some more seat time. He hasn't drag raced in 15 years.

Hopefully he's hooked on this stuff and will help Wayne get motivated on the Piggie and Demon. :wink:

Round 2:

Rodney (13.00 on a 13.02 Dial) - Win
Meril (14.36 on a 14.38 Dial) Close one!!

Brian (16.45) - Win
Sam (17.45)


Rodney (13.00 on a 12.98 Dial)
Brian (16.02 on a 16.10 Dial)

Other folks took pictures and video.


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:32 am 
Board Sponsor & SL6 Racer

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Car Model: 65 Valiant 2Dr Post
Congrats to everyone! Looks like some close racin! That Rodney is one tough cookie! Wish I could have been there.


2 Mopars come with Spark plug tubes. One is a world class, racing machine. The other is a 426 CI. boat anchor!
12.70 @ 104.6

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 3:35 pm 
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Wow, thanks for the rundown, Rob!

Great to hear about the cool new and old cars there. Rodney is doing great - congrats to him! Glad to hear Meril did well (grudged up), and Lukus put down a race win too.

Big congrats to Flyin' Brian for making the finals twice in one weekend, for John Metelko for his first passes in the truck, and to Sam Daugherty for pushing down his times on the Barracuda.

Warm wishes to everyone...


Home of Slant6-powered fun machines since 1988

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:35 pm 
TBI Slant 6

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Hey Rob, Thanks for posting the race results, You do a great job! Can't wait to see the points standings now.

FYI: "Grasshopper" is Rodney's # 1 sponsor (aka me) not his car's name :lol:
Rodney said he guesses if his car had a name it'd be Lancer 1 (and mined would be Lancer 2, kind of like "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" from Dr. Seuss).

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:04 pm 
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Thanks for the write up Rob.

Congrats to all.

Official Cookie and Mater Tormentor.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:28 am 
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Mark and Rusty made it home safely and did an autopsy on the Lancer.

It was the ring gear loosing a few teeth.

Mark said he was reminded at Clay City what a fine bunch a folks y'all are. :wink:

(Translation: Mark thinks you people are very nice. :D )


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


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