Slant Six Forum

Slant 6 Build-up in Mopar Muscle
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Author:  VG-265 [ Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, the CHI head suits the Aussie 6, not the slant.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Sorry

Sorry for the triple post above! New computer not cooperating!!

Author:  Mr. D-150 [ Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Slant 6 in Mopar Muscle

Hey guys. Don't beat me up - I'm a new member. But I had to respond, since I'm the guy that built that motor for Romeo. First:

* Why didn't we post prices for the custom stuff?
The original article was going to have prices but we felt that since this was a "one off" project, why show prices that may turn people off. After all, aluminum rods are strickly for racing and these were expensive parts at $100 per rod.

* Did we really use a 7.3" rod?
Yes. The extra rod length was a result of the desire to move the wrist pin as far up in the piston as we could without hitting the oil ring. That makes the piston lighter.

* What did it cost?
This engine ran $10K+. But there was A LOT of head work done. Angie put in almost a full week on that head. I have since quoted several other engines like this one, only without the custom aluminum rods and offset grinding of the crank. They ended up at about $8K.
My question is about the choice of intake manifolds for the carbureted tests. The Clifford intake does have an extreme variance in runner length, more so than even the OEM single and 2-bbl intakes, but the old Dutra / Hyper-Pak intake looks to be much more uniform in runner length.

Budd ( another newbie )

Author:  Rich Nedbal [ Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Slant 6 in Mopar Muscle

My question is about the choice of intake manifolds for the carbureted tests. The Clifford intake does have an extreme variance in runner length, more so than even the OEM single and 2-bbl intakes, but the old Dutra / Hyper-Pak intake looks to be much more uniform in runner length.

Budd ( another newbie )
Yeah - you're right, but I just used the manifolds that Romeo already had. He provided all the basic parts and the starter junker engine.
I didn't seek out the best manifold for the carbureted tests. I was happy with 300 HP as it was. What I was really looking for was a Slant that would rev, and it did. We spun it past 7000 RPM and it was still happy.

Author:  mcm95403 [ Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:00 am ]
Post subject: 

While I do think it would be interesting to have a manifold shootout for the slant, I think the key here is showing how much of an improvement the EFI made ON THE SAME MANIFOLD! 20 hp on a 300 hp engine is a HUGE increase especially considering that you usually only see 1-3 hp difference going from a carb to EFI. The normal big gain for efi is driveability. Personally, I'm betting that a Hyperpack would show similar gains. All the slant intakes have distribution problems (actually most manifolds do). EFI gets rid of all those problems and "evens the playing field". Slants have more to gain from EFI than most of the V8 guys apparently. Just be glad you're not running one of the Ford or Chevy 6's - I hate to imagine what their distribution problems are.


Author:  Tom Drake [ Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Most "experts" claim 8-10% going to EFI from carb. I would believe that and more on a well set-up conversion...and the comparision in this article supports that claim.

280hp X 0.08 = 22.4hp

280+22.4 = 302.4hp

Author:  sick6 [ Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

for the life of me I still can't find this magazine anyplace. I found one place with the january issue and thats it.

whats on the cover of the feb issue?

Author:  slantzilla [ Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am pretty sure that the carb was not dialed in properly when the motor was on the dyno. The only gain at WOT with EFI would be if the throttle body flowed more CFM anyway. :shock:

Author:  Rich Nedbal [ Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

for the life of me I still can't find this magazine anyplace. I found one place with the january issue and thats it.

whats on the cover of the feb issue?
The cover shows the back end of a silver Charger

Author:  Pierre [ Tue Jan 03, 2006 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

The only place I coul dfind mine is autozone, no place else in town had it. Pretty soon the march issue will come out and you can buy back issues online. has a link to their publisher that sells backissues.

Author:  sick6 [ Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks guys, hopefully I can find it before it goes out of print, or without having to resort to autozone......


Author:  mcm95403 [ Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've recently seen an article (in Hot Rod I think) where the carb on a big block something or other was replaced with efi, both highly tuned and the variance was only 2 or 3 hp on a 600+ hp setup.

Either way, 20 hp on a slant for changing the fuel delivery sounds VERY worth while to me.


Author:  sick6 [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

okay, finally got a copy a few days ago-

isn't that an offy intake in the dyno picture? (page 48 )

the EFI set up is obviously a clifford but the dyno looks has that "45 degree off of the carb plate" offy look.

I have heard in various places on this site that the offy is slightly more low end while the clifford is slightly more high end wouldn't this effect (skew) the actual results (gains) for switching to EFI?

just curious.

Author:  Pierre [ Thu Jan 26, 2006 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yea the carb manifold appears to be an offy unit because it has the area on the bottom to mate to a stock exhuast manifold, where as none of the cliffords came like that.

Author:  1966 dart wagon [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow imagine that i didnt get that issue :evil: i got the next issue march it has 320 hp slant on the cover, but no article wth :x :evil: why out of all issues would i not get this one :( and is to late to go buy one they are outdated :cry:

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