Slant Six Forum

My brother's "new" 74 Duster
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Author:  Reed [ Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Got the video figured out!

Click here to watch.

Author:  raPoM [ Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds good :D

Author:  Reed [ Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ignore the whine of the empty power steering reservoir....

The car was built with the HD cooling package for the A/C, so it has the seven blade fan, fan shroud, and thick radiator. The seven blade fan is REALLY loud.

Author:  exoJjL [ Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Not bad I started my /6 back at 06/2011 for the first time since 06/2010 and before that 07/2007. She has started up FLAWLESS everytime except the last 12/2011 for super /6 conversion; idle fuel adjustments to get running,

Author:  Wesola78 [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cool! 8)
Keep a going!

Author:  Reed [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

My hope is to get this car DONE by the end of this year. Back on the road driving with all the bodywork and interior work FINISHED. The rebuilt motor with fuel injection is going to take a back seat to getting the car itself done.

After running the soup treatment through the motor the carb didn't want to idle smooth. Maybe all the fresh gas got used up and the engine is now running off the cruddy two+ year old gas or maybe some crud blocked up a passage in the carb. I am going to rebuild the original 1974 Holley 1945 carb and put that back on the motor and see if the idle will settle back down. It ran great when we first started it up, but now it idles rough and pops through the carb when it is revved. I may be paranoid, but now I think I hear a light knocking from the bottom end after the soup treatment. Argh. I can nurse it along until I get the hydraulic motor rebuilt, though.

Author:  wjajr [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I am going to rebuild the original 1974 Holley 1945 carb and put that back on the motor and see if the idle will settle back down. It ran great when we first started it up, but now it idles rough and pops through the carb when it is revved.

Sounds as if it is starving for fuel, or there is some water in the old gas. Check fuel bowl for water. A tank flush may be a good idea. This 90% gasoline, and 10% corn squeez’ins attracts moisture like crazy, and at some point it all separates.

Author:  wjajr [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Congratulations Reed on posting a jiggle free video. No Dramamine was required for casual viewing!

I heard a slight rpm change about every sixth compression stroke as you were rolling the engine over for oil pressure, and fuel delivery. Is one of the cylinders down a little on compression?

My previous post was made before viewing the video, I am amending the rough idle theory to include a stuck or lazy valve.


Author:  Danarchy [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Congratulations Reed & Brother Shane! It is interesting to put a face with a forum ID.(I would have thought you were much older...due to Wisdom!) I appreciate your posts, they are always helpful to a Slanted Newbie.

Author:  Reed [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:54 am ]
Post subject: 

I took that video with my iPhone propped on top of a motor on a stand. My brother used to be a service tech for Apple, so he helped me figure out how to take a video and post it on You Tube.

Thanks for the compliments! I am 33 (and I am the first guy with the long hair you see in the video) and almost entirely self taught. I have just read a lot and had the benefit from learning from all of the experts on this site. I can't emphasize enough what a wonderful resource this website is.

I haven't done a compression check yet, but I do know that the motor cranked over easier as the oil worked its way back through the engine. I had adjusted the last time the motor was running, so they should still be adjusted correctly. I will do a compression check the next time I am working on the car.

I do plan on dropping the gas tank and getting it cleaned out before the car is driven on a regular basis. The fuel filter is new, so hopefully it will have caught any crud that settled in the gas tank. I put a bottle of Heet in the tank when I added the 5 gallons of fresh gas, but maybe that didn't absorb enough water.

The odd thing is that the motor ran fine before we did Dan's engine flush with his "soup." Something happened during the 20+ minutes the motor ran at 1600-2000 RPM. I'm not too worried. It still runs OK, it just needs some attention. The carb on it now is the carb that was originally on my brother's 83 Dodge van. It also needs to be rebuilt, but I am going to rebuild the original Holley 1945 carb from the Duster and try it first.

Author:  75customdart [ Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:25 am ]
Post subject:  Love It!!

I love the video, reminds me of my garage small and cluttered. ... 1i8Sjp4yyc

Author:  Reed [ Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Actually, my garage is a 2.5 car garage. I just have stuffed a woodworking shop, a mechanic shop, a project car, and LOTS of spare parts in it. For the past five years I have been trying to get the clutter cleaned up and get it organized, but it is a losing battle.

Author:  Reed [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

After a long hiatus, I am back at it! I purchased a larger air compressor and a single piston in-line sander off of Craigslist. $100 for the compressor and $20 for the file. I got the first layer of body filler sanded down flat and applied the second layer. Due to dents, I have to put on some thick spots of filler to build the body back up to match the original contours. Fortunately, the in-line sander is long enough to bridge all the low spots and smooth out the filler. I figure I need to sand this second filler coat down and probably do one more filler coat to smooth out the rear fenders. Then it is on to the taillights.

Since I know we all like pictures:




It's come a long way since it first took up residence in my garage. I have my fingers crossed that all the bodywork will be done by the end of this year, possibly even the painting. We'll have to see about that.

Author:  DadTruck [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Reed,, always good to see projects finding their way to completion,, that will be a super Duster-Demon-Dart when you get it finished..

me, I am also looking forward to hearing more on the
Ford MAF based sequential fuel injection system

Author:  Reed [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:59 am ]
Post subject: 

I know, I know. I have been hinting about that fuel injection system for years. I just need to get the rest of this Duster done before I focus on the fun things like the fuel injection. I have two things to figure out before I can say the Ford injection system will work: (1) the distributor sensor under the distributor cap and (2) the vehicle speed sensor that plugs into the speedo line coming off the transmission. I am going to have a spare slant and transmission set up on a test stand out of a vehicle so I should be able to get all the little bugs worked out of this injection system. It will be a while before I get there though. I have the rest of the system figured out, I think.

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