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Dual Disc Ram Clutches ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package
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Author:  AndyZ [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches


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Author:  AndyZ [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Here is what we are hoping for.
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Author:  vitamindart [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

I might want in on this too, going to need a clutch for that adapter/T-5 swap

Author:  GregCon [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Just saw this a couple comments:

1) The stock bell is pretty small so the clutch better be, also.

2) A QT bell is much larger than a stock bell. I was able to fit a 10.5" clutch and 130 tooth flywheel in the QT, and the stock bell was 'no way'.

Author:  AndyZ [ Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Just saw this a couple comments:

1) The stock bell is pretty small so the clutch better be, also.

2) A QT bell is much larger than a stock bell. I was able to fit a 10.5" clutch and 130 tooth flywheel in the QT, and the stock bell was 'no way'.
Thanks for that info. Width is likely not the issue though that is good to know. The taper from the motor flange back is where the question is. The smallest possible bell is the 3 speed one. RAM has it for development on site now. I did let them know that if this doesn’t work, we can send out a 4 speed bell for fitment.

Author:  AndyZ [ Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

The QT bell looks to be substantially larger than an OEM 3 spd housing, at least from eyeballing it.


Seal em up with plexiglas and grease / Silicone and then measure the amount of water they take cc'ing a head.

That will give you an idea of volume at least!

Spray it with cooking spray, seal it up and fill it with expanding foam insulation.
Actually, this may be a good option if they need the cast bell... :shock:

Author:  jcc [ Sun Sep 20, 2020 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Just saw this a couple comments:

1) The stock bell is pretty small so the clutch better be, also.

2) A QT bell is much larger than a stock bell. I was able to fit a 10.5" clutch and 130 tooth flywheel in the QT, and the stock bell was 'no way'.
Thanks for that info. Width is likely not the issue though that is good to know. The taper from the motor flange back is where the question is. The smallest possible bell is the 3 speed one. RAM has it for development on site now. I did let them know that if this doesn’t work, we can send out a 4 speed bell for fitment.
I have nothing to reference a QT against a 3 speed bell, so my concern mentioned earlier maybe for naught as the consensus is from what many state here a QT is larger, and therefore its case closed, as to any fitment issues. My offer still stands if reasons arise that it needs to be considered for fitment. Additionally, if as mentioned its out of production, its a lame duck solution and shouldn't control Ram's solution IMO, but I do hope the QT can be a usable part regardless in this project, in that I kinda like my feet. :D

Author:  GregCon [ Mon Sep 21, 2020 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

I'll state this another way...I can't think of any reason the QT would not work. There could be a reason that is eluding me, though. But I think not.

I haven't read this whole thread lately but I think it said the Ram package would include a new flywheel? The QT, as we've discussed in other threads, comes with the starter location for the 122 tooth flywheel, so that would not be an issue.

Author:  jcc [ Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Will there be an update here as to production ordering of the solutions mentioned here by someone, or is it best to contact Ram individually for updates?

Author:  BKBoan [ Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Took my 4sp od transmission and aluminum bell housing to ram clutch today so they could make some measurements looks like things are getting closer.

Author:  AndyZ [ Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Thanks for helping out with this.
I wasn’t aware an aluminum bell was available with a 4 speed. Greg O has already sent them an aluminum bell and a flywheel, but having a 4 speed there will help them. I will contact them Monday

Author:  rosspulliam [ Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Woo just saw this. Bought the T5, bought the adapter, am needing a clutch!


Author:  AndyZ [ Wed Dec 02, 2020 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Flywheels are being made now. The dual clutch small center hole ones will be first off the mill. I may be getting one shipped the end of this week hopefully. I will be sure to let everyone know when they become available.

Author:  rosspulliam [ Wed Dec 02, 2020 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Flywheels are being made now. The dual clutch small center hole ones will be first off the mill. I may be getting one shipped the end of this week hopefully. I will be sure to let everyone know when they become available.
No preorder required for this one? This is planned to be added to the general catalog?

Author:  AndyZ [ Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ***Looking for interested parties in a clutch/flywheel package from Ram Clutches

Flywheels are being made now. The dual clutch small center hole ones will be first off the mill. I may be getting one shipped the end of this week hopefully. I will be sure to let everyone know when they become available.
No preorder required for this one? This is planned to be added to the general catalog?
At this point, we are trying out the prototype. That will hopefully be delivered and installed by mid December. If all goes well, I am guessing January we will have, at least, the dual clutch flywheel that will use the Force 9.5 setup.
Once we get closer I am hoping to get a preorder list and a group buy price, but no guarantee. I know that I am paying the original quoted price of $950. :shock: But that is ok.
This will likely be part of the catalog as well as the 273 clutch.

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