Slant Six Forum

New Header for the /
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Author:  Mister Twister [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Good morning. see you cant let it go so. Medium lenth headers will be done soon. Then for the long tube. Not stopping there!!! The dyno sheets for 2 stock manifold pulls and changed to powerpipe-SC WILL BE POSTED!! I don't lie, cheat, or steal, sorry some one has ruined your trust in people. Talk to me on this board like you would to my face, cause it's a small world after all. Have a nice day. OH ban me from the board that is treating my wife and I like .... that will show everyone if your not in the click for get it! :roll:

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Good morning. see you cant let it go so. Medium lenth headers will be done soon. Then for the long tube. Not stopping there!!! The dyno sheets for 2 stock manifold pulls and changed to powerpipe-SC WILL BE POSTED!! I don't lie, cheat, or steal, sorry some one has ruined your trust in people. Talk to me on this board like you would to my face, cause it's a small world after all. Have a nice day. OH ban me from the board that is treating my wife and I like .... that will show everyone if your not in the click for get it! :roll:
No one said anything about you until you refused to post any PROOF OF YOUR CLAIMS! And still you make more unsubstantiated claims. You just don't get it do you?

Would I talk to you this way in person? Yes, if you were pissing on my leg telling me it was the warm Southern rain like you have been here. It is a small world, especially when it comes to Slants.

Author:  slantasaurus [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

OK, I saw this post when it originated, but didn't follow allong. This morning I did decide to read through the whole thing....Something nobody has mentioned struck me as a little strange.

Aparently, Mr. Twister paid to have a Vendor space on the Midway at the Mopar Nats, correct ???

With so many people doubting his claims, why didn't he invite any forum members who were attending the Nats to stop by and see his product for themselfs ??? If he was truely confident in his product, seems like that would have been an opertunity to clear the air.

A few forum members have commented that they did see his "power pipes" at the Mopar Nats and they were less than impressed, I believe one called it "rat rod enginering".

It seems to me he is working on the P T Barnum school of buisiness, "there is a sucker born every minute". Since nobody on the forum seemed to be interested in being a "sucker", he tried to make an impressive showing at the Nats to draw in others....I'm guessing he didn't find many takers there either, most who attend the Nats are more interested in removing their Slants and replaceing them with bent 8's.

Sorry Mr Twister, you really seem to have started with good intentions, but somewhere you have lost them and a lot of respect. At least for the good of the Slant community, nobody seems to have been taken for a ride. I guess us Obsolete Engine Owners are smarter than people think.

This whole thing makes me wonder just what you have been smoking out of your "power pipe" ???

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:15 am ]
Post subject: 

With so many people doubting his claims, why didn't he invite any forum members who were attending the Nats to stop by and see his product for themselfs ???
That's a very good question. Here's another: Where are all the forum members who've placed the orders he claims to have received in response to his announcement on here? They certainly are an unusually quiet lot, as it seems. Not a peep out of any of them...not a single "Geeze, this thing sucks" or "Wow, this thing's great" or "Gosh, I hope he ships mine someday"...nothing. Not a word. It's almost as if he's telling (more) lies (again), and hasn't actually had any orders.
Since nobody on the forum seemed to be interested in being a "sucker", he tried to make an impressive showing at the Nats to draw in others.
...and keeps up a running chatter on here...step right up, folks, for Mister Twister's Patent Pending Amazing Magical Mystery Header That's Not Really a Header! Insulate your house! Filter your coffee! Win friends and influence people! Save time, save money! Lower your ET by three whole seconds! Gain mileage and horsepower! All with the amazing PowerPipe™®©!

...and he's even recruited his wife/girlfriend/whatever to babble about his "communication difficulties" and misunderstood genius. I don't know which is slimier: him for asking, or her for agreeing.
This whole thing makes me wonder just what you have been smoking out of your "power pipe" ???
:lol: Yeah, man, it's some really good stuff. Forget pink elephants, man, this stuff makes you see dyno sheets! :twisted:

Author:  Shaker223 [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Granted, Mr. Twister has not been the most forthcoming about his products. He has been dangling a carrot in front of you and the funniest part is you BIT hard. What I don't get is why you guys continue to bash the hell out of him. We have old garbage for parts unless you want to go custom...oh, I forgot about the chinese chrome valve covers. There has been NOTHING new in decades for the slant and you can do is jump all over him. Let him finish his R&D and then you can judge. (BTW, Twister made a good point, where are the dyno sheets for the cliffords,dutra's and hookers?)

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:37 pm ]
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Author:  Shaker223 [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

What guys can't even make the same power as they did in the 60's with a slant 6 even with your "new" camshafts and dutras. You crack me up.

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

What guys can't even make the same power as they did in the 60's with a slant 6 even with your "new" camshafts and dutras. You crack me up.
How much power were they making back in the 60's? :?

My good motor is just under 400 horse and is very streetable. :lol:

How much power you making? :shock:

If you'd bother to read the whole thread, members have held this super duper pipe in their hands and called it junk.

Author:  Shaker223 [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

How big is the bottle on your good motor? You said that you can't even get a stock 440 A body in the 13's. How am I to belive you have a 400 horse /6.

Author:  rosspulliam [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:00 pm ]
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I'm guessing his engine makes about the same amount of power my slant currently does.

Whatever it makes disassembled on the engine stand :?

Author:  Shaker223 [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:08 pm ]
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quoted from "The Australian HOT RODDING REVIEW" June 1968. "At the 1966 Winternationals, Rick was impressed by a 1962 Dodge Lancer running in the lower classes, owned by Greg Nelson. The car was equipped with one of the aluminum blocks. Tripping the clocks at 13.80 at over 100MPH" I don't see to many 13 second posts in the forums with 40 years of new technology.

So how fast is this 400hp car of yours anyway? Any time slips?

Author:  dakight [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK. I have mostly stayrd out of this one but I'm going to say this and then I'm done with this thread. I think everyone has made their point and it is now rapidly deteriorating to a pissing contest. This is creeping into other threads throughout the board and poisons the whole atmosphere. I think it's time to drop it. Having said that, I fully recognize that everyone here is a free thinking adult and will do just exactly as they please but I sincerely hope that cooler heads will prevail.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:17 pm ]
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