Slant Six Forum

New 70 Duster barely starts, and backfires or spews soot
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Author:  killnine [ Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:33 am ]
Post subject: 

The rocker shaft retainers (curved washer under hold-down bolts) are of differing size. The one long retainer has to be landed on center bolt, the remaining retainers are of same size.

It looks as if that longer retainer is at bolt between cylinders #2 & #3; needs to be between #3 & #4.
Ah ok. I'll look into that.

Author:  killnine [ Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Replacing pushrods, stuck valves

Well, I've got the rocker shaft off and the 4 valve springs for the 2 cylinders which have the 2 intake valves which are sticking all apart. I've sprayed the valve stems and tapped them down a bit to try to get things moving, but now I'm a little stuck on how to get them back up. I've tried grabbing them with a vice grips with a plastic zip tie around the stem to keep it from marring, but it won't budge. Unfortunately I tapped them down too far to get the spring back on to aid in pushing them back up. The rope is jammed in there of course to keep them from falling down, so is it safe to just turn the engine over a bit to see if the rope will push them back up, or am I in danger of the piston hitting the valve? I don't want that. I suppose I could manually turn the crank over but boy is it a pain. I can move it like an inch at a time before the fan hits my ratchet and I have to readjust. If I could just get them maybe half an inch up I could get the springs back on them and maybe they would work themselves back up the rest of the way.

Author:  mattelderca [ Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:16 am ]
Post subject: 

If the valves are that stuck, and with the bend in those push rods, I'll bet that the valves are already bent!
I know you probably don't want to hear that. Time to pull the head and go through the entire engine. It is probably not had the cam timed right and the pistons have contacted and bent the valves.

Author:  wjajr [ Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yup, I'd be pulling the head for a look see.

Author:  killnine [ Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

I got a hammer slide and used one of the keepers on the valves to clamp a vice grips on, and a piece of the rope I had in the cylinder and the combo enabled me to get the valves up enough to put the springs back on. So I'll be soaking them in more fluid and working them up and down some for a while WITHOUT TAKING THE SPRINGS OFF! Anyhow, I clearly need to replace the gas tank and gas in this thing anyhow, so it's probably best that I give it some time.

Author:  killnine [ Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  fuel parts on the way

New spectra tank and sender and front to back fuel line from on the way. I've been soaking the valves in chrysler spray as much as possible, and they seem to bounce around pretty freely now. I think they'll be good once I get some good gas flowing through the system.

Author:  killnine [ Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Fuel lines and tank installed

New fuel lines from (Right Stuff Detailing lines) installed very easily, and the old ones came out easier. I just sort of twisted the front end of the line into the crossmember while the rear passenger side tire was off to allow the line to move around more. Once it was in, snapping it into all of the clips was a breeze with just a little tweaking here and there. The tank I'm still having issues with. It's in, but I can't get the filler neck into the new grommet (also from Quanta/ It just won't go in. I've tried some marvel mystery oil to lube it, but it might require more convincing. I'll be trying some lithium grease, or if I have to, using the old grommet. I might also file away some of the crud from the end of the tube. What a pain. An otherwise easy 2 hour job became a struggle for a few hours.

Author:  killnine [ Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, even with the tank out I couldn't get the filler neck to fit into the new grommet. It fit fine with the grommet out of the tank, but once it's in it just won't slide in. I had to put the old grommet back in, and go with that. The new spectra tank somehow sits a little off from the OE, and no matter how I tightened it down with the straps it's further forward than it should be by a bit, and the filler neck stretches the dust boot somewhat. The exhaust pipe also touches the seam of the tank so I'll have to do a little bending of that seam.

Author:  killnine [ Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Torqued down the rocker bolts to spec, and set the cold valve lash. Tried to start her again after getting fuel into the floats and making sure it was squirting, but it seems to still have the same non-firing issue. I'll be going over the timing once again to be sure everything is as it should be.

Author:  killnine [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Just to put an end to this thread with some kind of answer, after replacing the spark box and getting the carb adjusted and charging my battery, it fired up fine.

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