Slant Six Forum

1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA
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Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Mon Jan 28, 2019 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

Will that induce a twist in the lower arm since it's so far off the centerline?

Possibly - not sure about that??
That's where the FFI Bar lands when mocked up. If I used their tabs it would have been similar.
I was trying to get the end links for the bar pretty square in 90° opposing planes at ride height, as per the recommendation of mopar suspension sages :-)

I bet with the Lower Strut and Torsion Bar Mount in triangulation it will be okay.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  1/28/19


I got the other side of the LCA's Painted, the pics will show some more of the speedway sway bar tab mated to ~2" of round tubing.

Also are some pics of the refreshed steering column.


Top / Front of LCA's - you can see the Sway bar tab and tubing connecting it to the LCA.


Grody Steering column refreshed and rebuilt - still a 3 speed for now so I need the tubes an levers inside there.




Author:  drgonzo [ Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

Greg what kit and where did you purchase it to rebuild that steering knuckle? I need to get one for my '63.

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Tue Jan 29, 2019 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

Greg what kit and where did you purchase it to rebuild that steering knuckle? I need to get one for my '63.


Check Here: https://www.detroitmuscletechnologies.c ... n-related/\

they are also on ebay.
The coupler and bolt / clamp in that photo is the original - I disassembled it, the gasket was trashed so I got a new one and clamp. Cleaned, blasted and painted it - re assembled it.

I have to do it again as I did not align the Master splines correctly on the top of the shaft and the bottom of the coupler - its's 180° out now.


Author:  drgonzo [ Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

It was a bit too cold to work in the garage today for longer than 15 minutes today :-o



Author:  Rob Simmons [ Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

I can relate. I had to change the fuel tilter on Hamish II last night. It won't fit in the garage, so I had to do it outside in 7* snowy weather. I couldn't feel my fingers.

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  2/3/19 Front Suspension is Built

I had to change the fuel tilter on Hamish II last night.
I don't know what a Hamish I or II is, but yeah, that's cold.


I found out that the Hydraulic pump on the lift isn't happy below 10˚F But on Friday it was back up to 20˚F so I got to work and today it was 50˚F.

I got all of the suspension installed and checked clearances etc. A bit of fender trimming was needed in front of the tires. I got the steering column reinstalled.

Now the car is back down with weight on all four tires. Even in the corner Jounce test There is a noticeable difference in the Stock 64 Slant bars vs the new 1.03" bars.... WOW. It seems to sit a bit high for my liking but I can always unwind the the T bars when Needed after the car starts to settle the suspension.
Next week's project will be getting the FJM master cylinder rebuilt along with the Factory Prop / Dist. Block. and an adjustable Prop Valve for the rear Bias. Got some brake lines and fittings ordered for that job.

Crusty Rotors and Calipers that were saved from Ruster before it got wilwoods, these brake parts are like a cat, cause I think they lived on 8 cars before this one.



Thanks for the Hand me down Shocks Lou!


Steering Column Back in.


New Stance: (probably has to settle the suspension)



Author:  sixinthehead [ Mon Feb 04, 2019 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

Lookin' good!
I love the crusty drop stopper under that shiny new UCA 8)

How did the sway bar mounts on the K-frame come out?

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

Lookin' good!
I love the crusty drop stopper under that shiny new UCA 8)

How did the sway bar mounts on the K-frame come out?
Sway Bar Mounts are fine - I wont really know until I start Driving it but for now they are fine in theory!

Yes, those upper bump stops are toast. I don't plan on using them much, but they will get replaced - It's just not critical yet so I deferred the $20 to other parts of the project for now.
The Lower ones are the originals and Looked great After I hit them with the sandblaster, so Back in they went.. They are the critical ones for the car's intended use.


Author:  Badvert65 [ Mon Feb 04, 2019 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

What sort of front shocks are those. They have the oil reservoir on the top?

Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

Hi matt,

Those are edelbrock shocks. I doubt they have oil in them although they might. Long since discontinued but revered by many.

Look up edelbrock shocks discontinued for more info.


Author:  sixinthehead [ Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

Just razzing you about the drop stop - I usually leave them off anyway.

What does the frame mount look like? Just wondering if they are any different than what I am used to seeing.

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

Edels definitely have oil in them. Nice to have more of the weight sprung.

Great work, Greg.


Author:  Greg Ondayko [ Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1964 Dart Grüne Hölle Road Course AutoX Car IRWIN PA

Edels definitely have oil in them.
Cool, I wasn't Sure as they felt like gas charged ones - It's one heck of an ab workout to get them compressed and into the suspension!


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