Slant Six Forum

Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)
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Author:  drgonzo [ Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)

No longer available, but at $2250 each:
At this time, the waiting list for cylinder heads has grown to the point we will no longer add to it. We are working with the foundry to finalize when the next batch will be ready.
From that website.
I think that alloy head is a copy of an iron head that was produced in Australia. There are better performing cross flow heads from Australia for the small Ford six, OHC variants. The Barra, last produced in 2016 is truly special. You get some ideas of how Chrysler might have progressed the slant six if inline sixes had been as popular in the U.S.
The point of my post was that it IS possible to produce a performance aluminum head for a niche market engine and it has been done for the Falcon six. It does appear to be the best option for the Falcon six as a bolt-on that doesn't require a host of new parts and a reconfiguration of the car as a cross-flow head might. IF anyone (not me) ever does pony up and see one through for our engines it needs to be one very similar to what was produced for the Ford as it would appeal to the most buyers. I mean, this is the internet and we are BSing about aluminum heads and such. $0.02 :mrgreen:

Author:  Tim Keith [ Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)

No longer available, but at $2250 each:

From that website.
I think that alloy head is a copy of an iron head that was produced in Australia. There are better performing cross flow heads from Australia for the small Ford six, OHC variants. The Barra, last produced in 2016 is truly special. You get some ideas of how Chrysler might have progressed the slant six if inline sixes had been as popular in the U.S.
The point of my post was that it IS possible to produce a performance aluminum head for a niche market engine and it has been done for the Falcon six. It does appear to be the best option for the Falcon six as a bolt-on that doesn't require a host of new parts and a reconfiguration of the car as a cross-flow head might. IF anyone (not me) ever does pony up and see one through for our engines it needs to be one very similar to what was produced for the Ford as it would appeal to the most buyers. I mean, this is the internet and we are BSing about aluminum heads and such. $0.02 :mrgreen:
I think the OEM intake could be used with a head that used raised intake ports. The triangle washers could be replaced with a different type of spacer. I don't any major improvements in the head unless you can look down the intake ports and see more of the valve. Otherwise, reworking the iron head would continue to be the best choice. Having said that, most of us would want to upgrade later to a better intake design like the one that Gill Welding produces. A selling point could be that we could use the OEM intake. To use the OEM intake we might have to use a carb hat and relocate the air cleaner. Even raising the intake ports 1/2 inch should help.

Author:  justa170 [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)

The reality is, for an aluminum Slant head to ever happen someone with a lot of cash to risk will have to just build it... This guy is on the right track... I have to guess he either owns or works for a big machining company and this is a side job.
Yup. He runs a tool room. The plan is to pass the design to a production shop.

Quick update: About a month back, he posted that his design rotates the spark plugs up 5° and features a new combustion chamber shaped for improved efficiency (and presumably performance). Earlier this month, he received some custom gaskets he had ordered from Olsons Gaskets. He's very happy with them.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)

It would be nice to see progress pictures on here. :D :D

Author:  slantzilla [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)

I haven't seen him posting much on FB lately.

Author:  Rob Simmons [ Thu Sep 10, 2020 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)

He was looking for some parts in Florida. I messaged him offering to put him in touch with Charlie, but he never replied.

Author:  Rick Covalt [ Mon Dec 16, 2024 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)

4 years ? Any more updates?

Author:  slantzilla [ Mon Dec 16, 2024 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)

He rarely posts anymore like he used to. Stan keeps a better eye on him than me.

Author:  hyper_pak [ Tue Dec 17, 2024 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aluminum Head?! (Robert Maw)

I just keep one eye on him.

Rob Maw Engine Stand.JPG
Rob Maw Engine Stand.JPG [ 52.02 KiB | Viewed 901 times ]
Head Design.JPG
Head Design.JPG [ 34.94 KiB | Viewed 901 times ]
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Gides and Tubes.JPG [ 38.89 KiB | Viewed 901 times ]

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