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Author:  DART68 [ Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  A-500

Got a lead on a A-500 in a V6 Dakota or Ram. I'm going to get it in the mourning. If it still has the mini starter does anyone want it? I'll sell it for what the junkyard sells it to me for plus shipping.

Also, Lou if you catch this before I head out in the mourning. How much trouble is involved with moveing the motor forward to avoid trans tunnel modifications? I have the factory adapter plate and spacer. I also have a slant spool mount k-frame that I plan on swapping in.


Author:  Old Car Scott [ Mon Aug 09, 2004 5:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dang it! Always too late!

Did it have a serpentine belt system? I've been trying to find a late model to get all that stuff (at least the pulleys, maybe altenator, power steering, and brackets for 'em) off of for a 340/360 I'm putting into my '70 Challenger! I believe the V6s are chopped off 318s....

Author:  Jeb [ Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

You are correct. The 3.9 liter V-6 is basically a 318 with minus 2 cylinders. This is the engine that replaced the slant. It has been fairly reliable also.

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:20 pm ]
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Moving the motor forward 1/2" is pretty easy by welding and drilling holes in the factory engine mount brackets. That's what I did, but the trans still sits a little low, and I had to hack into the stock upper X-member. I plan to beef that up and correct the geometry soon, which will probably involve some trans tunnel mods. I think those are necessary for a "correct" install, but you can get by w/o them (and have a little driveshaft vibe).

I will be doing a full writeup on this in a month or so (finally) when I install the prototype adapter plate from (andyf). That aluminum plate is similar to the factory one, but is 0.4" thinner and 11lbs lighter, and prettier too...

Hope you got the trans as they can be hard to find for a decent price. What year is it? Is it lockup or non? Make sure to get the TC too.


Author:  Charrlie_S [ Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:18 am ]
Post subject: 

I got a 500 trans, for the right price. My neighbor had one for a 89 Dakota, that he pulled out because it would eat front seals. He said it worked fine. Looks to me like the pump bushing, and converter snout are bad.

Author:  DART68 [ Sat Aug 14, 2004 11:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've been a little busy. I got everything from the flex plate to the slip yoke. I even grabbed the wireing that went to the reverse/nuetral switch, what I believe to be the lock-up solenoid, and the plug that goes into the speedometer cable houseing. When I got home and pulled the torque converter out it had a small sticker that said lock-up. Lou, where do I find the identification numbers? Also, should I have grabbed the speedometer cable? Sorry RabidScott, no serpentine set-up.


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