Slant Six Forum

Lifting /6 - best place to attach lifting chain
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Author:  74360scamp [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Lifting /6 - best place to attach lifting chain

I am trying to put new motor mounts in my 74 Scamp. Worked on the left side last night. Finally got the mount bolted to the engine block but now I can't get the spool to drop in between the ears on the mounting bracket. I determined that the engine slipped, or got cocked a bit. I'm using a floor jack. I also determined that I will need to roll out the engine hoist and lift the engine a bit to get it straightened out so everything will fall into line. Where are the best places to attach the lifting chain to get the straightest pull? Thanks very much.


Author:  relic-lover [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  slant going up !

I have only bolted engine lifting chains to the slant in one set of holes.
The head has a bolt boss near the #3 and #5 intake runner. Those are
where I always bolt the ends of the chain. To get the pull more to the
front of the engine I sometimes use another bolt with hardened washers
to bolt through two of the chain links and put the hoist hook on the
loop that was formed.

Author:  74360scamp [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Those "boses" you mention

ARe they up on "top" next to the valve cover? If so, I've found them. Mine have some sort of round vaccum (I think) deal on one, and a small, ceramic looking block with three or four electrical connections on it. Does this sound like the right ones? They are slightly off-set to the rear of the engine. Thanks veyr much.

Author:  slantvaliant [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

One of those load levellers would sure be handy!

Author:  relic-lover [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  sounds like you've got it

It sounds like you have found the bolt bosses that I use - They are on the
top, toward the valve cover and a bit toward the rear from the intake runners. On my early engines (latest I have done is a 68) there was
nothing mounted in the holes. So I guess unbolt the stuff carefully and
get it back away so the chain won't damage it.

You can kind of see them in this picture - the square shapes just past the
valve cover. They are in the black (greasy) band between the valve
cover and the manifolds.

<IMG SRC="" ALT="Uses stock kickdown linkage">

Author:  1969ron [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

doug, as i have posted before... i took a" mopar" engine lifting bracket off a yellow industrial slant many years ago. it bolts to the 2 factory bosses cast on top of the cyl head. the mopar stamped /cast #s are barly visible<only the pentastar now >,and i and buddies have used/painted it many times. but it was a mopar bracket probably produced for industrial devision. . will send/lend doc bracket to copy and reproduce measurements for members. 2 positions, one for pulling engine, and one for engine and trans together. works mint and very simple. i just installed engine/trans in 37k 68 cuda without touching/removing hood. ron

Author:  1969ron [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

division... tired from spanking the yanks....

Author:  Doctor Dodge [ Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

To install the engine alone, (or reposition it) without the trans bolted to it, use a strap or chain loop on the front bolt hole only.
When you install and engine / trans assembly, use the lift plate or a strap spanning accross the two holes, this gives you some additional "tilt" and a better angle.

Author:  dart63 [ Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Careful with the very front one of those bolt holes in the head!!!!!!!!!! Else you will be plugging it permanently after your anti-freeze starts gushing from it!!!!

Just an observation based on past experience :oops: My bolt was too long and actually pushed it's way into the water jacket........


Author:  74360scamp [ Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Kevin - that's good to know! I got it done last night. Just need to do the right side now. Hopefully, things will go much smoother now.

Thanks very much,


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