Slant Six Forum

help me figure this one out
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Author:  70valiant [ Sun Oct 24, 2004 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  help me figure this one out

So since we havent had a temperature above 60* all week I decided to take my open element off and reinstall the stock style aircleaner. I also had to remove the header wrap to put the heat stove thing on the headers to attach the flexible tube going to the aircleaner. So I start the car and the flap opens, OK cool I'm now getting heated air into the carb for quicker warm ups. I go to the gas station and check and it is still pulling hot air from the headers into the carb all the time(I will deal with that later) but the question is. Why is the car running COOLER today than last week? I would think that sucking hot air into the carb all the time would cause it to run warmer if anything. anyone have any ideas?

Author:  Eric W [ Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its probably because the engine is running richer. The stock air cleaners are more restrictive than an open element cleaner. When I do the switch from open to stock, I also step down a jet size (stock 1920 carb).

Author:  70valiant [ Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:36 am ]
Post subject: 

that makes sense thanks.

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