Slant Six Forum

slant six to 318 conversion
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Author:  dodgehelp [ Sun Oct 24, 2004 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  slant six to 318 conversion

my slant six is officially dead. i have a good 318 motor and tranny laying around. can anyone give me some info on what modifications i need to do to my car. its a 1964 dodge dart.

Author:  oibrownskin [ Sun Oct 24, 2004 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  me too

hey dodgehelp I was actually going to post something similar to this. Have you checked GO to that website and check on the archives and/or just do a search on the keywords and see what comes up. I am about to buy a 318 for about $150 and just rebuild. Also if you have the 904 tranny I am thinking that the only thing you need is a new bell housing to fit the new engine, although i am not 100% sure of that.

Please hit me up with any info you have, or find I would appreciate it AND i will do the same.


Author:  ZacharyB [ Mon Oct 25, 2004 1:02 am ]
Post subject: 

You will need the K-frame (front crossmember) from a V8 car, it can be a 318 or a 340 if I'm not incorrect

Author:  sixinthehead [ Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:14 am ]
Post subject: 

66 and earlier cars just need to change the mount brackets, K-frames are the same.
67 and newer cars did use different K's.
The right brackets, as well as conversion mounts for the newer style, are available from Schumacher.
66 and earlier Slant cars use a straight center link, while the V8 cars were dropped in the center. You don't have to swap it, but it does give a "comfort zone".
Driver's side exhaust is very tight. The factory 64-66 manifold works well, but is restrictive (no problem on a stock motor).
Certain later manifolds can be made to fit with some grinding and trimming on the steering column coupler.
Supposedly, there is a header made especially for this application, but I don't have any experience with it.
Manual trannys just need a V8 bellhousing/clutch. Auto trannys need a V8 case. If you are keeping the pushbuttons, you need the cable style trans.

Author:  Reed [ Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:35 am ]
Post subject: 

To be honest, it would be cheaper and easier to just rebuild your slant six. Dropping in a v-b requires changing a whole bunch of things. In a 64 a-body it means changing: motor mounts, transmission, radiator, throttle cable, torsion bars and brakes (not absolutely necessary but a VERY good idea), transmission coolant lines (if automatic), wiring harness for the engine, any bolt on accessories like p/s, exhaust lines, and possibly other things I can't think of. If you really want a v-8 it would be easier to just find a factory v-8 car.

For the amount of money you will spend getting the v-8 engine and transmission and the rest of the parts, and for the amount of labor to do the swap right, it is much easier to just build up your slant six instead.

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