Slant Six Forum

clutch linkage for auto to manual swap
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Author:  hillsidehemi [ Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  clutch linkage for auto to manual swap

I have a new project going and I'm gathering parts. It is a 72 duster. I recently picked up a 4sp od trans from a Volare. Currently my car has an automatic so I need to source pedals and linkage for the clutch. Doing a search I see that consensus is most 67 to 76 A-body pedals are the same. How about the linkage? Do all manual shift cars have the same clutch linkage? Z-bar, etc. As long as it had a slant can I use the linkage from a 3 speed car? Thanks for any advice.

Author:  Dart270 [ Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can use the 3spd stuff no problem, and yes, 67-76 Abodies should all interchange for pedals/linkages. You might consider the McLeod hydraulic TOB and master cyl from PAW. Simplifies exhaust routing and has perfect geometry and no worn out old parts.

Good luck w/ the Dusta,


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