Slant Six Forum

yeah more rear end questions, posi? od?
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Author:  stinky mctinkerpants [ Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  yeah more rear end questions, posi? od?

I am doing the swap in my dart, i can spot an 8-1/4 but how can i tell if its posi? did they ever have od and will one from a different body like an m or j fit. all i really need is a 8.25 unless a 8.75 falls in front of me. also is there anything besides the usual i should look for to replace on these since i have it off? i am going to spend the holidays doing some renovations on the old sled.

Author:  Rust collector [ Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:37 am ]
Post subject: 

The rear from an f-body is about 3" wider than an a-body.
I have this in my 67valiant, and it vorks ok, but you have to use a lot of offset in the wheels, or use stock wheels and narrow tires.
I use stock aspen wheels, and 185 70/14.
They rub slightly in curves, when i have a lot of stuff in the trunk.

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